Andy and Axky

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This is another one of my out-of-character comic reliefs. Now no one has requested these, I am just writing this because the last couple of chapters have been kind of depressing :) Feel free to skip if you like.

Axky *stalking Andy as she walks home* : So Andy, how come all your stories have action scenes set in disgusting locations? I mean a sewage system in Love Me? Like You Do. and the inside of a garbage truck in this one?

Andy *nervous laughter* : I don't really know. It just...happens?

Axky *rolling his eyes* : I'll forgive you for your appalling writing skills only if you tell me what happens next. Do I win in the end? Does Gavin kill me? Do I rise from the dead and kill him and live happily ever after?

Andy *walking very fast now* : Look, if you are alive till the end of this book, you'll find out for yourself.

Axky *walking just as fast* : Look Garbage Girl, if you don't stop messing with my character, I'll just hack into your computer and write the rest of the story myself.

Andy *stopping to glare at him* : Garbage girl?

Axky *grinning happily* : Oh I have plenty of nicknames for you! Waste Lover, Stinky Writer, Ratty Princess, Slowpoke Updater...

Andy *bursts into tears* : FINE! I'm sorry! I'll finish the story and I promise everything will turn out okay. Just stop calling me names and please don't hack my computer.

Axky *blowing me a kiss and walking away*: Sure thing! Don't worry Sweet Author, I trust you. And I already hacked your computer a couple of times. Haven't you wondered how you got your new antivirus software?

Andy *wistfully watching Axky disappear into the sunset* : Sweet Author, now that's a nice name.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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