Epilogue Extended

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"For the love of God!" yelped Levi as he bent to pick up the offending lego pieces from the floor.

The cute toddler in diapers on the sofa grinned at him.

"You're lucky you're cute." he said shaking his head.

"Levi," called Vicky from the bedroom. "Can you get Max changed please, I'm going to get dressed."

Levi sighed but called back anyway, "Sure honey."

He turned his attention to the smiling child and attempted to grab him. Of course the baby dodged him and started to crawl away.

Levi picked him up and changed his diaper ninja style.

"All done." he said triumphantly as the kid scowled.

"Get that from your grandpa, I'm sure." he muttered. The kid looked a whole lot like Axky when he was hungry or pissed.

He found a little tuxedo that Vicky had selected for Max and helped the kid put it on.

He looked rather handsome for a toddler.

"Ah, my baby, breaking all the lady's hearts." he said picking him up. Now both father and son were dressed impeccably.

Vicky emerged just then, in a pale lavender gown and Levi felt his heart stop for a moment.

"Ready boys?" she asked leaning over to kiss Levi and take Max in her arms, but Levi wouldn't let go.

"I'll hold on to him." he said shaking his head.

Today was her day.

They reached the venue in the next half an hour and were greeted by a swarm of paparazzi.

Levi grinned as Max waved at them from over his shoulder. He watched as Vicky climbed the big stage and signed an enormous check.

"How many children do you hope to help with your foundation?" asked the host.

Vicky smiled, "Our goal is a hundred thousand children in the next five years. We are planning to build three hundred schools all over the world and equip them all with computers and gadgets. We need children to be interactive with the world, and right now,  the world needs as many young people as possible. Even if they live in the deepest, darkest corner of the earth, we will provide them with a place to learn. We are also building five hundred hostels for children who have no family."

There was applause all around as they heard her words. Levi couldn't be prouder. He was the financial backer for most of her initiatives, but he knew that this venture was closest to her heart. He knew what it meant to grow up having nothing and she knew what it meant to be unloved.

Now that their lives had love and meaning, they wanted to give back in every way possible.

Axky and Paula were clapping the loudest from the front row and Levi went to join them.

"My favourite grandson!" exclaimed Axky as Max, the traitor jumped out of Levi's arms and ran to Axky.

"He's your only grandson." he said with a laugh.

"And whose fault is that?" said Axky with a grin. "Not that I am a big fan of you and my daughter consummating."

Levi groaned. You would think that after seven years of knowing him, age would have sobered him, but no. He and Axky still fought like they were teenagers and remained grumpy till Vicky or Paula fed them.

Levi looked over to see the Dixon twins, Gary and Jason enter the venue. They were active volunteers for anything Vicky did---they adored her. They were almost grown up now, nineteen  years old already.

Gary was not smiling when he approached them.

"What happened to him?" mouthed Axky to Jason.

Jason shook his head sagely , "He got dumped yesterday." he said.

"Whoa, that's rough." said Levi grabbing a beer from the tray near him and giving it to the heartbroken kid.

"I loved her." said Gary knocking down the entire can. "She cheated on me."

Jason said grabbing his brothers shoulders, "I told you, college is for sleeping around and having fun. You need to stop going into relationships thinking they are going to work out. Not every relationship leads to wedding and kids."

Levi couldn't blame Gary for having an idealistic world view. He had been surrounded by thriving relationships all his life, this was the first time he had known heartbreak in such a way.

"I know Jason, it's just..." said Gary shaking his head. Jason was the only one allowed to talk to him like that. If it was anyone else they'd be dealing with a dislocated jaw. Gary wasn't a quarterback football player for nothing.

"Look, you've seen me have my heartbroken way more times than you. Remember what happened to me last year? You'll get over it, I promise." said Jason taking away the beer bottle from his brother's hands.

"Yeah." said Gary, putting on the fakest smile in history and waving to Vicky.

Levi didn't like the look of sadness in both brothers eyes when they spoke.

Something big had happened last year. But it wasn't his life to speculate.

It was someone else's story. And hopefully someday they would tell it.

He took Max's tiny hand in his own and told himself to live in the present. He was happy. He was beyond content. His life had meaning---he picked Max into his arms again---his life had a purpose. He kissed the ring on his finger and looked into his wife's eyes.

Everyone had their own battles.

They'd already won theirs.

A/N : New book is coming this weekend!

Imagine Jason and Gary Dixon as college students---hot, young and rich. But is that all there is to the popular twins? They have lived a sheltered life thus far, but now life brings to them the troubles of adult life.

Through it all they never lose their comedic style, ability to prank and to charm the panties off their admirers. Both brothers are sweet talkers and handsome as hell. After all, they look a lot like their Dad.

This book will follow their life through college as they learn about life and grow up ... perhaps even find love :)


Lots of love,


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