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The makeup he had on all over his exposed skin was drying up quickly and Levi wanted to itch at it till it scraped off. But there was too much dangling on this, and he knew he had to see it through. He bit his knuckles to keep from scratching at himself.

Levi didn't like what he was about to do, but he knew he had no choice. The sprawling mansion's huge iron gates lined the outside of the estate. Tall trees rose high behind the thick walls and if Vicky didn't know any better, she would have thought this was a castle holding an imprisoned person of royalty.

The three of them sat on the back seat of the cab, staring and wondering if they could do the impossible. The cheeky cabbie from the other day chewed on a straw of dry wheat as he waited for them to do something. Honestly, he didn't understand foreigners. You come to a beautiful new country and all you want to sight-see is an overgrown mansion with trespassing arrest written all over it.

"Why don't I take you to see real Spain?" he asked. "This is private property and very ugly. There is no sun and no happiness in this place."

Levi laughed. His grandmother was the antithesis of sunshine and joy. Of course this mansion looked like the evil vile woman she was.

"You can take the others for a trip around town." he said turning to give Vicky an encouraging smile. She was sitting between Ted and him, looking worried. "I'll see you guys later."

"Ready?" asked Ted as Levi opened the door.

"Yes." he replied even though he was shaking with nervousness. "Save some lunch for me."

He shut the door behind him, waving at Ted and Vicky with a confidence he didn't feel. He forced a smile oh his face and felt his resolve drain as the car slowly restarted and left the street. He turned back to face the large gate and sighed.

Well, he was here, and it was time to execute the plan.

Phase 1: Get into the grounds.

Levi looked around covertly and seeing no guards on the other side of the heavy iron gates, he pushed them with all his strength.

Damn. It wouldn't budge.

He spied a small intercom by the wall and wondered if it was worth announcing that he was here. In the end, he decided against it.

As luck would have it, the gate was made in a patterned grill, and Levi was moderately fit. Grabbing onto a rail, he started to climb up, his enthusiasm waning as his muscles protested. Yes, he really needed fitness training...maybe Vicky could teach him kickboxing too.

In pain, bruised and tired, he finally reached the top of the gate and swung his legs across. He looked down at the ground, which suddenly seemed miles away. One bad jump and fifty broken bones. And Levi was no expert at jumping either.

Sighing, he slowly lowered himself, hanging onto the top of the gate for dear life, dangling his legs. His searching feet latched onto one railing like a koala bear gripping a tree and he allowed himself to slide swiftly onto the ground. With a thump he landed on the garden soil.

I'm alive! Phase 1 complete. I'm in.

Standing up, dusting his jeans, he looked around. There was a winding path leading up to an ugly albeit expensive mansion. The surrounding walls were covered in moss and bougainvillea flowers grew unconstrained all over the grounds.

This place seriously needs someone with a semblance of care to renovate this place.

"Are you the boy?" someone asked from behind him suddenly and Levi almost jumped out of his skin.

He turned around to see an old man holding a huge pair of scissors that could potentially be a murder weapon. He was smiling at Levi in a creepy manner, coming closer and closer snapping the scissors as he moved...


Alarm bells rang in Levi's head as he took several steps back until his back hit the wall. The old man growled and kept walking towards him. Levi got ready to scream and hoped he'd live another day.

But then suddenly, the old man scoffed with distaste. "Bunch of sissies this new generation." he muttered. "Never seen a hedge trimmer before? I thought you're here to help with the gardening."


"Yes!" Levi said immediately, glad to have an excuse. "I'm here for fixing this place. By gardening I mean."

Levi hoped the face paint he had on was strong enough to withstand the amount of sweat trickling down his forehead.

"You're late you fool. Go carry the heavy pots over there to the mansion." he ordered turning away to chop at a hedge.

Levi looked around till he found the loaded pots. They were huge, and filled with soil. And there was no wheelbarrow.

"It's heavy." said Levi lifting one up and almost collapsing.

"Of course they are. I ain't paying you to pick flowers." the old man scolded.

Levi sighed as he walked briskly away, carrying the pot that was so big it may even have contained buried treasure. His body was going to be so sore that night.

But as he neared, he noticed that the mansion door was open and there was no one at the door! He couldn't believe his luck.

Phase 2 ready to begin!

He took the flower pot inside the mansion. The old man hadn't specified where to keep it, after all. Levi would just set it down as soon as he found what he was looking for...

"You cretin, you put dirt on my carpet." came a curt female voice. In utter surprise, Levi accidentally dropped the earthen pot, soil and ceramic shattering across the living room.


The woman in front of him slapped him hard, almost knocking Levi off balance. Gritting his teeth, he resisted the urge to touch his stinging cheek. Squaring his shoulders, he clenched his fists, ready to return the blow. He raised his head to look at his assailant, fighting the burn in his eyes, to shoot a glare...

Instead he stared at the brown eyes he had no choice but to have inherited.

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