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He was kissing someone else. Maybe she was his crush, maybe he loved her, maybe they were meant to be and Vicky was just wasting everyone's time.

Wind shook rivulets through the puddled water, as the motorbike ripped through the busy streets.

Vicky was glad it was raining as she felt hot tears slide down her face. Her raincoat kept the rest of her dry as she gripped the man's jacket tightly, knowing all to well it was her uncle Jack who had come to bring her home.

From what she'd witnessed as a child, uncle Jack was pretty cool. He used to be ruthless when he was younger, but responsibilities and his desire to build a better company had pegged him forward to live a better way.

Vicky had heard that uncle Jack used to be in a gang, that he knew how to wield knives and shoot bullets. She found this really hard to believe when he came over for dinners, carrying gifts for Vicky and acting completely whipped around his wife. He was the CEO of the Dixon Enterprises, and most of her friend's mothers swooned whenever they saw him around. And tonight, if anyone didn't know any better, uncle Jack clad in all black did seem like a heartthrob.

She focused on the grossness of that thought before getting distracted. Jack had come to a stop and parked in front of what looked like a tall office building.

"Walt Games" read the bold letters at the gate. Vicky recognized the brand immediately. Walt's video games had burst into the scene about three years ago and had completely monopolized the market. It was extremely popular amongst teenagers and younger kids. They had all kinds of games, from the sophisticated to the juvenile, you could play Counting stars or play Build a Galaxy.

So why were they here?

"Uncle Jack?" she asked.

He took off his helmet, and gave Vicky a smile. "Your mom and dad are here. So is your aunt Brielle."

Vicky gaped in shock.

What? Her entire extended family was here?

Goodness, this was so embarrassing. Did everyone need to know she was doing all this for a crush?

"Well, your mom and dad are here because they are worried." said Jack as he guided Vicky down the bike and walked her through the gates. They quickly marched into the lobby, dripping water onto the pristine white floors. The receptionist smiled at them, looking pleased. Vicky saw the mud she'd dragged in behind her and cringed. People tended to be really short sighted when they saw uncle Jack. It was amusing how he didn't notice the receptionist's newly visible cleavage. But then again, he was probably used to all this.

"Brielle and I are here because our sons thought it would be funny to put heat incited hydrogen sulphur pellets inside all the light bulbs in the house." Jack said obliviously. Shuddering at the thought, he pressed the button for the elevator.

Despite her condition, Vicky let out a hearty laugh. Jason and Gary were an absolute riot. She was almost disappointed she didn't get to witness this latest prank.

"Uncle Jack?" she said in a small voice as they stepped into the empty elevator and Jack selected the fifteenth floor.

"What's up Vicky?" he asked, concern filling his handsome face.

"Did you, were you, when you met aunt Brielle, umm, how do you know if someone is the one for you?" she said looking up at him.

Jack looked at her curiously, as though trying to tie up loose ends to the information he already had about her. Vicky groaned internally. After this night was over, she would go into her room and wallow in the light of her embarrassment for days on end. But for now, she would take all the awkwardness she could, in exchange for having some hard pressing questions answered.

She needed to know if what she was doing was a mistake. She needed to know if she was chasing something fundamentally unattainable.

"You don't." said Jack simply as they came to a halt at floor number fifteen. He ushered Vicky out onto the tiled flooring before stepping out himself. "You can never tell for sure if someone is the right person for you."

Vicky nodded sadly. She knew that. She knew she had made a blunder tonight by going to the party, she'd only come back depressed with more heartache than she'd had in six years.

"Since you can't tell, you have to take a few risks. Your aunt Brielle was head over heels in love with a man who betrayed her. I couldn't protect her from the pain he caused her even though I was there." he said, his eyes gaining a hardened glaze in them.

"I wanted to love her, to make her see sense, to get her to pick me. But you can't force someone to notice you, to love you." he continued, a smile playing at his lips. "They just do. And when that happens, you'll fit right well together, like two peas in a pod."

Vicky's eyes lit up with what could only be termed as hope. Did this mean that all was not lost?

"You never know if someone is your soulmate. But you do know if it is someone you can't live without." he said patting Vicky's drenched hair. "You'll find him someday Vicky. We all have someone waiting for us."

Vicky nodded, a burning hope singing her chest. She'd spent six years of her life thinking of Levi, transferred schools, attended a high school party and told her parents about it all. She'd invested far too much to give up just yet.


"Levi," asked Samthon as they got into his beaten down old Ford Mustang. "You okay man? It's not like you to turn your date down. It's been months since you got laid."

"I'm fine Samthon, just too tired for sex." said Levi easily as he slumped onto the passenger seat. Samthon shot him a glare as he revved up the engine.

"Are you seriously going to lie to me?" he demanded. "I've known you all your life so don't give me that bullshit. This is about that girl isn't it? And the fact that a hot dude picked her up after the party?"

Levi snapped out of his reverie to glare back at Samthon. "No."

"Yeah right, and I'm going to win this year's Miss Universe bikini round." refuted Samthon as he drove out of the street and onto the main road.

Levi snorted. "So what if it's about the girl? I didn't even catch her name."

"I can give you all the data you need. A little birdie called Cathy from an all girl's school up north gave me some information that might interest you." said Samthon blinking rapidly as the gliders cleared rain water from the windshield.

"What?" asked Levi in surprise. "You dug up information on her?"

They passed "Walt's Games" and Levi was surprised to see the lights on at the fifteenth floor.

"Of course." said Samthon shaking his head. "I got plenty of sources who willingly fill me in. I don't need to be a hotshot hacker or anything."

Levi swallowed the words itching to come out of his throat. "So what's her name?" he asked curiosity getting the better of him.

Samthon chortled. "So it is about her after all." he said triumphantly. "Her name is Victoria Fannington and her parents are ---"

"I know." said Levi, realization filling his mind and leaving chills down the base of his spine. 

"Why the hell did she want to speak to you?" asked Samthon as they stopped at the signal.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." said Levi firmly as he took out his phone. "Do you think it's too late to send a text?"

Samthon grinned as the signal turned to green. "Levi, it's never too late."

A/N: So Levi is going to make the next move!

Are you excited?

We have a series of text messages and the first day of high school coming up.

Thank you for reading! :) I adore all your comments and votes. Thank you for all your support for this story.

Lots of love,


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