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"It's going to rain." said Jason sagely as he stepped out into the driveway. Gary looked at the clear skies above and looked disbelievingly at his brother.

"It will." said Jason as they waited for Paula to bring up the car and for Vicky to finally come out of her room.

"What's taking Vicky so long?" asked Gary as he kicked a pebble with his feet. Waiting for girls was boring. He couldn't understand why it was so important for them to get all dressed up anyway. It's not like it would change anything that major in a person----

Gary never finished his thought as he saw Vicky walk out of the door, her father following close behind.

Her dark brown hair had been gently plaited at the sides and she wore light silver danglers on her ears that framed her face.

She was slightly uncomfortable as she walked up to them, her slight heels enough to dis-balance her should she be unmindful.

She smoothed down her plaid skirt that ended slightly above her knees and tugged down distractedly at the flowy summer shirt tucked into the skirt.

She cast Jason and Gary a nervous look. "Do I look okay?" she asked, her voice faltering with doubt.

Jason and Gary took a long look at each other and let out simultaneous sighs.

"You look really pretty Vicky." supplied Jason reassuringly.

"You know what I'm not sure we're ready to let you go to that party. " said Gary with a smile. "It will be full of  opportunistic boys and girls who smoke pot and drink like camels. Not to mention the level of indecency---"

"Yes, we know Gary. Shut up before uncle Axky changes his mind." hissed Jason as he nudged Gary with his elbow.

"Ouch!" protested Gary as he rubbed his sore side. "It's the truth ain't it?"

Axky cursed under his breath. He didn't like to admit it, but damn it the boys were right.

He looked at his daughter and couldn't help but sigh resignedly. Was it this hard for all fathers? To watch their little girl grow up so soon?

It seemed that time had sped up and Vicky was no longer the child who held onto his little finger when they walked, because her hands were too tiny to hold his own.

Tonight, she looked beautiful. Graceful and innocent, her eyes bright at the prospect of finally having a normal event in her life. She was excited and hopeful about what the night held for her.

It would be so easy to forbid her from going to the party. She would obey him, she would lose the light in her eyes.

No it wasn't worth it. Nothing was worth seeing her sad.

Axky decided that he wouldn't stop her. She would definitely go. She would have her  fun.

She just didn't need to know that he'd only be a stones throw away.

Paula smoothly brought the appallingly bright purple Lamborghini to a halt in front of them, nodding approvingly at Vicky.

"Hey kids, all set and ready to go?" she asked her eyes wrinkling as she smiled widely.

Gary and Jason took a moment to gape at the horrendous colour Axky had chosen for such an awesome car.

"Uncle Axky?" asked Gary as he regained control of his tongue. "Just why is the car looking like an eggplant?"

"Haven't you heard kiddo that purple is the new hot colour of the season?" said Axky with a grin as he held the door open for Vicky.

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