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"Crystal Palace." said Ted happily to the brunette cab driver who scanned the trio judgmentally.

"You sure about the address?" he asked cheekily, glancing at Ted's summery rainbow T-shirt and khaki shorts. He spoke with a thick accent and reminded Vicky of her Spanish teacher.

"What do you mean?" asked Ted his good mood getting ruined quickly.

"Well the Crystal Palace is full of rich people in suits." he said winking at Vicky, who blushed. "You're not wearing suits."

It was Levi's turn to get pissed off now.

"You don't need to worry about that. Will you take us or not?" demanded Levi.

"Will you pay extra?" he countered. "I want a hundred euros as tips."

Levi spluttered. "What?"

"Well, if you're staying at the Crystal, you gotta be rich. Unless you're trying to get poorer by paying 900 euros for a soulless room, you sure as hell shouldn't be staying there." the cabbie said, lighting a cigarette.

Vicky sighed. Her Dad wasn't kidding when he said he'd book the best for them.

Ted meanwhile was getting impatient. He wanted lunch, damn it. He glared at the young cabbie.

"I am an international lawyer on a holiday. I work hard all year to put people in prison." he said irritably. "Now tell me son, do you want me to work on my vacation?"

Levi grinned as the man shook his head and opened the trunk to load the luggage.

"You look too young to have such old kids." the cabbie said in an attempt to appease Ted once Levi and Vicky had settled in the back seat. Ted who was sitting right beside him, frowned at him, although he was pleased. The anti aging night cream he put every night must be working.

"You're right, I am young." he agreed. "Now drive."

"Ah yes Sir." he said. "But I must complement your skull structure. Absolutely beautiful. Here in Spain, you will be very popular with the ladies.

Ted consciously touched his bald head and found his good mood returning. Levi and Vicky knew better than to say anything to disrupt it.

In the end Ted did leave the cabbie a generous tip.


The hotel they reached was magnificent to say the least. It was huge, marble floor glistening as polished shoes walked on the expensive carpet. The staff were dressed impeccably and the rooms they were assigned was akin to a palace.

"Wow." said Levi nervously touching the expensive marble vase. ""

He slumped on the couch beside Ted and took a swig of the delicious mint lemonade they'd been given a jug of.

"You like this place?" asked Ted settling down on the huge couch. They had been booked a full suite, with three separate rooms and a hall. Axky had been so guilty about not being able to come with them, that he'd also payed for a day at the spa and a special foot massage for Ted.

"It's huge." said Vicky staring at the 3D TV.

"Well, it's good you like it." said Ted nonchalantly untying his sports shoes. "Once I'm done with Walters you and your Mom are going to own this and more."

Levi spit out a mouthful of lemonade  on the carpet.

"WHAT?" he asked, choking slightly on his saliva. Vicky hurried to thump him on the back and hand him a bottle of plain water.

Ted tutted. "Of course, you must have known why Axky booked this hotel of all the others. Gavin Walters owns this place, in fact he holds most of his important meetings here. Throws all his parties here too. A perfect place to spy on him, to say the least. I'll be taking a nice lawyer fee from his personal account once I get my hands on him."

Levi was shaking now. This...this was extravagant to say the least. All this while Gavin was rolling in money, when his poor mother was battling homelessness and poverty.

"I'm sorry Levi." said Vicky rubbing soothing circles on his back. "I promise Gavin will get what he deserves. Ted is so going to take him to the cleaners."

Levi laughed. "I don't want his money." he said. "I don't need it anymore. But I do want to make sure he never hurts anyone again."

"That's a noble reason." said Ted as he scanned the menu card. "Although, as long as I'm your lawyer, Gavin is going to get poor either way. Now, as it's too late to do anything useful, tell me, what do you think about the Paella Valenciana?"


Axky and Paula sat down to the loneliest dinner in years.

"You think the kids are okay?" asked Paula as they ate.

"I should think so." snorted Axky. "I just got billed 1500 dollars for a stint at the poker club and a party by the swimming pool."

Paula laughed. "Why are you paying so much anyway?"

"Five reasons." said Axky taking triples of everything. No point in being shy in your own home, eh?

"One, so I can track their credit card movement everywhere. If they have unlimited money, they'll keep spending and be easier to locate." he said. "Two, if all goes well, Levi will be to say the least, the Prince who once was a Pauper. The kid needs all the experience he can get living in the lap of luxury."

"Three, Vicky needs to be safe. Gavin is sort of a well known businessman there, with plenty of henchmen. No one messes with his clients in Spain, well except for us of course." continued Axky. "Four, in case he plans an assault, he'll have to do it in his own hotel. He hosts expensive people there, it would be business suicide to try to kidnap someone from there."

"What's the fifth reason?" asked Paula slyly unloading food from Axky's plate. He was gaining too much weight already! Maybe she should start cooking less tasty things.

"Oh, fifth is that we get to be alone." he said wagging his eyebrows suggestively.

Paula blushed a deep red and smiled.

"Want to go dancing tonight?" she asked. "I bought a new dress."

Axky reluctantly put down his fork in favour of having a romantic evening with his wife.

"Sure." he said leaning over for a blueberry pie flavoured kiss.

A/N : We meet Levi's grandmother in the next chapter. Warning: you will probably hate her with all your soul.

But we are now live in Spain! Lots of sun, great food and people!

Also football. I am a big fan. Anyone here watches football (soccer) ?

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