Chapter 9: Unexpected

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Taemin didn’t want to be around people at that moment so after class he went to a place where there is the least chance of seeing anybody. It’s a green house with all kinds of flowery plants. Since it was summer the flowers are in full bloom. He sat on the bench and took out the music sheet which he brought with him. Tomorrow they will be having a recording and he still had a song to memorize.

Jangeul jjoja jollin nuneul tteo

Jamsi humyeon tto naeiliya

Ggamjjaghal sae jinagan haruga heomuhae

Gaseumi morael samkijiman


I wake up and open my sleepy eyes

It’ll be tomorrow in a little bit

I feel bad for letting the day pass by so fast

I swallow sand

The title of the song is Honesty. It has a nice sound to it. Not to mention the lyrics mirror his exact feelings at the moment. He let out a deep sigh. He feels bad that the day is about to end and yet he didn’t get the chance to talk to Eunjin for even a second. All he did was stare at her the entire time they were in class while hoping nobody noticed him doing it.

When the class ended he forced himself to stand up and leave. And then he was right there, alone in some old green house wallowing in his own distress just because he couldn’t even talk freely to the girl he likes without worrying about the consequences.

A few minutes later he heard someone came in. He looked up and saw Eunjin in front of him with a surprised expression on her face. A smile crept up his face. Just when he was beginning to think he wouldn’t be able to talk to her that day, she came just at the right moment although it seemed like it was pure coincidence.

Surprise was an understatement though. Eunjin totally didn’t expect the image she would find when she went to her usual spot. It was a green house located at the most secluded part of the school. It is where she usually spends most of her time other than the library. She enjoys the solitude more than anything else.

She went straight in and she heard a voice of someone singing. It was a very familiar voice and her curiosity got the better of her. She searched the green house for the source of the sound and that’s when she noticed someone already occupies the spot where she usually sits. She was taken aback by the sight of Taemin before her.

He scanned the surroundings to make sure no one was around to witness them together before he called out to her and motioned for her to sit beside him. He was more than glad when she accepted.

“Sorry I didn’t know you were here.” She apologized.

“It’s ok. I actually wanted to be with you right now.” He might be feeling worn-out and exhausted but as long as she’s with him, he feels like he can still do a lot more things so he was really grateful for the company she was giving him.

He suddenly asked if he can lie down on her lap. She said ok although with a little hesitation. He seemed happy when she agreed. He immediately lay down with her lap as his pillow and with his eyes on her he said, "You're so pretty Eunjin-ah. I can stare at you like this all day and I would never even get tired of it."

She blushed and looked away but she could still feel his eyes on her. "If you don’t stop staring at me I will never make you sleep on my lap again," she said.

He chuckled. "Alright," he said before closing his eyes.

It was now her turn to study his face. He had such long eye lashes, his nose looks so perfect and his skin looks like it was really soft on the touch. She moved down to his lips and she could still remember the feeling of them touching hers. She blushed from the memory. She didn’t like where her thoughts were heading.

In a few minutes he was asleep. She realized he was really tired. If she could just take all his weariness away she would. She tried to stay still afraid he might wake up if she moved even just a bit.

She let out a sigh. This man is so perfect- too perfect that she feels like she doesn’t deserve him. She doesn't want this anymore. It’s too scary. All the what-ifs, the uncertainties and doubts fills her with dread. What if she totally falls for him and then he suddenly says "Lets breakup, I was just playing."  That was what scares her the most right at that moment.

She was really such a coward.


Taemin woke up with a start. He realized he slept for quite a long time. Eunjin is still with him and he felt guilty for sleeping on her lap for a long time. Her legs must be hurting.

"I’m sorry I slept," he apologized.

“It’s alright.” She stood up and prepared to leave. “I guess I have to go now.”

“Wait, I’ll take you home,” he suggested.

“No need,” she said refusing his offer.

“I insist,” he said. He grabbed his things then took her bag as well. He kneeled with his back on her and said, “Come on, I’ll give you a piggyback ride."

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m quite heavy.” Why does this girl do nothing but refuse all his offers? “Your legs are probably hurting right now. I’m giving you a once in a lifetime chance so I suggest you take it.”

“Fine but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.” She finally relented.

“It’s fine. I may not look like it but I’m pretty strong," he said with a smile.

They took the long way at the back of the school. He didn’t want anyone to see them together so they have to avoid people. Fortunately they didn’t see anybody. They reached the parking lot and he settled her at the passenger seat of Jonghyun’s car which he borrowed earlier.

"Thanks," she said.

He took the driver’s seat but before he started the engine he said, "Eunjin-ah… I’m sorry for ignoring you earlier. I can’t let them know how special you are to me. I didn’t want to cause you any trouble.”

She gave him a curt nod telling him she understood then she said, "Actually I wanted to tell you something..."

“What?” he asked.

"Let’s break up," she said.

This girl, who he happens to like a lot, is really full of surprises.

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