Chapter 29: The Crowd

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Eunjin’s POV

I feel great. Now I know how it feels like loving someone and being loved back without hesitation. The only thing that’s stopping me from having a perfect day are the fans outside the room where me and Taemin are currently staying. We both knew that the moment we open the door, we will be swarmed with people asking for explanations.

“Did you really have to do this?” I asked referring to the scene he caused a while ago. Because of it we now have a huge problem in front of us. If he just continued to ignore me just like he used to then no one would have suspected anything.

“If I didn’t do it you wouldn’t have talked to me.” He had a point though. If he tried to talk to me in private I would have just turned my back without a word. But since he did it in front of an audience I couldn’t do anything but follow him wherever he takes me. Because of it, we were able to talk and now I’m one of the happiest girls in the world.

"Should we jump down the window?" Taemin suggested.

"I don’t want to die," I said in response to his really absurd suggestion. We were on the 3rd floor of the building and jumping down the window is a really stupid idea.

Taemin gave me a smile then said, “Me neither. I was just kidding.”

“Let’s just use the door.” I suggested. I know it will be suicide but we don’t have any choice. Besides, even if we managed to avoid the crowd today, tomorrow it will still be the same.

“Eunjin-ah, I’m sorry that you have to go through all this. I don’t want you to have a hard time but I don’t think it will be possible.”

I gave him a smile because Taemin is just so sweet being worried about me like this. It makes me love him a lot more. “It’s all right. When I told you I love you, I was already prepared for something like this. Besides, we’ve been through a lot worse than this remember? This is nothing.”

He gave me a hug then said, “This is the exact reason why I love you so much.”

A few minutes later we heard the PA system announced, “SHINee will be having a free concert at the auditorium. Everyone is invited.”

“About time.” Taemin said with a smile. I have no idea what’s going on but whatever it is it made the people outside leave. I could hear footsteps getting further and further away. A few minutes later, the noise outside the room died down.

“Let’s go,” Taemin said before he held my hand in a tight grip. I took a deep breath before he opened the door.

There are still a few fans outside the room but it was a lot easier to lose them. Taemin told me to run so I did although I didn’t know exactly where we were going. The moment we stopped I found myself at the backstage of the auditorium. There was chaos all over.  The other four members of SHINee welcomed us.

“Eunjin! It’s great to see you.” The leader, Onew, greeted me with a smile. I returned the smile but didn’t say anything. Well my mind is finding it hard to process everything at that moment so I’m not capable of speech.

“Taemin, we will be performing one song then you can do your announcement or whatever afterwards.” Key explained.

“Yah! Hyung, that was supposed to be a surprise.” Taemin said although I still have no idea what they were talking about.

“Ooops, sorry.” Key apologized.

Taemin grabbed my arm then led me towards the other side of the room where a huge man who looks a lot like security was waiting for his instructions.

“Joe, this is Eunjin. I’ll leave her to you.”

“No problem.” The man named Joe replied then to me he said, “Miss Eunjin, I’ll take you to your seat.”

“Ok,” I managed to say. Before I left, Taemin gave me a kiss. Joe then led me outside and made me sit at the front row while he took the seat on my right. My heart was pounding hard as I begin to realize what was going on. I just got a front row ticket to SHINee’s mini-concert.

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