Together Again

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Mikey smile stayed huge. He couldn't believe it. Sensei. He had missed him so much. As for Sensei, he had many emotions going across his face right then. Confusion. Sorrow. Happiness.  Relief. Mikey took a step towards Sensei. Then another. And another. Soon he 5 inches from his father. Master Splinter squinted his eyes at Mikey. He leaned forward and Mikey awkwardly looked anywhere but at him. Sensei stared for a little while longer, and then his face lit up and he wrapped his arms around Mikey.

"My son," he breathed. "I have missed you so much." Mikey looked shocked at first, but then he grinned and hugged Sensei back. "I missed you too, Sensei." Sensei pulled away and looked at Mikey's new form with sadness. "My son," he said again. "What happened?" "Yeah Mikey," Raph chimed in. "You didn't even tell us what happened." Mikey looked down at the ground. His eyes filled with tears. "Well, it's not a happy memory..." He trailed off.....

Mikey's eyes widened. The tank was opening. This is the end, he thought. And how right he was. The tank fully opened and he squeezed his eyes shut. Mutagen covered his body and he screamed in his head. It burned so bad. He could feel himself changing. Claws grew out of his fingers and toes. Ears grew from his head and a snout grew from his face. Anger clouded his mind. He ripped off his restraints and growled. He had to find a way to get out. But deep in the pit of his stomach, he felt that he had to do something first. A purple streak flashed through his mind. Donnie, he thought. Suddenly, he tore with all his might against the wall. He ripped through every wall and ceiling he came across. Eventually, he came to a room. He looked around and found his immediate older brother strapped to a chair with a helmet on. Electricity coursed through his body and it infuriated Mikey. He ran to the chair and ripped the restraints off. He barely payed any attention to the electricity that shocked him. Donnie gasped and lifted his head slowly to look at his hero. Brown eyes met blue ones for half a second. Mikey... Donnie whispered. Then, he passed out. Mikey smiled sadly and picked his brother up. As he cradled him in his arms, he took him over to the corner of the room and laid him down. He stared at him for a while with the same sad smile on his face. Then, he heard his other brothers approaching. His eyes widened. He couldn't face his brothers like this. He took one last glance at his brother and took off. That was the last he ever saw his brothers— until they found him.

"And that's it," Mikey finished. His family looked at him with sad faces. Mikey was in tears. His family wrapped their arms around them. "Thank you, Mikey," Donnie suddenly said. Mikey smiled. "No prob, D," he said. Leo smiled at them, but then he frowned. "Wait," He said. "If you still remembered us, then why didn't you come back home?"

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