Alone Again

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Mikey raced through the alleyways of New York City. He had tears streaming down his face and was panting hard, but nothing in the world could make him stop. He had one mission: lead Shredder away from his family. He didn't want to leave them, but he wanted to protect them more than he wanted to be with them. As Mikey was caught up in his thoughts, he didn't hear the sound of heavy metal clanking behind him.

As Mikey continued forward, he was suddenly thrown to the ground. Something heavy was atop him and he cried out in surprise. He tried to grab his nunchucks, but the figure had his arms pinned down. Suddenly, the figure let out a low laugh.

"Well, well, we'll, what do we have here?" It said. Mikey's heart sank. He knew that voice anywhere. He growled. "Oh, don't play dumb, Shred-Head. You know exactly who I am," He snapped. The Shredder only laughed. "Spunky little one, aren't you? You will be of excellent use for my little....project." He said in a sinister voice. Mikey gulped. He didn't like the sound of that. Shredder yanked him off the ground and stood him on his feet. "And let us leave a little note for your family, yes? I want them to witness your demise." Suddenly, Mikey heard Shredder unsheathe his blades. His eyes widened. Shredder raised his arm up and slashed it down to Mikey's head. Mikey snapped his eyes shut, waiting for pain. But it never came. His face did suddenly feel absent of something, though. "Looking for this," Shredder asked. He waved his hand, which was holding an orange mask, in front of Mikey's face. Mikey gasped. "Give it back!" He shouted, making a grab for it. But instead, Shredder threw it against the wall of the alley, and it stuck there, hanging by a ninja throwing star. "I think that'll do," Shredder said. Then, he grabbed Mikey and pulled him into the shadows.

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