Chapter 3

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A couple days later, Alexis was leaning against Edward's car. She was waiting for bell to ring, when a car started speeding into the school parking lot. She saw the car heading towards Bella. All of a sudden, she saw Edward super speed over to her and used his super strength to push the car away from her. Her and her siblings gasped and looked at each other.

"Why did you do that?" Rosalie snapped at Edward, when he came back over to them.

"It was going to hit her." Edward said.

"Someone could've seen you." Emmett said.

"Well, they didn't." Edward said.

Later that day, Rosalie and Alexis were at the hospital, talking with Carlisle and Edward. "You didn't just put yourself at risk of getting caught, you put all of us at risk." Rosalie snapped at Edward.

"There were a lot of people in the parking lot." Alexis said. "Anyone one of them could've seen you."

"Girls." Carlisle said.

"Why do you care?" Edward asked, looking at Alexis. "It's not like you have to worry about stuff like this like the rest of us do." Alexis gasped at his response, shocked that he would say that.

"Edward." Carlisle scolded.

"What was I supposed to do, just let her die?" Edward said.

Out of the corner of her eye, Alexis could see Bella. "I think someone wants to talk with you." She whispered to Edward and slightly motioned to Bella. They all looked at her.

"Can I talk to you." Bella said.

"Girls." Carlisle said. Carlisle, Rosalie, and Alexis walked away. As they walked away, Alexis could hear Edward and Bella talking.

"How did you get over to me so fast?" Bella asked.

"I was standing right next to you." Edward said.

"No you weren't." Bella said. "You were on the other side of the lot."

"Bella, you hit your head." Edward said. "I think you're confused."

"I know what I saw." Bella said.

"And what did you see?" Edward asked.

"You stopped the van with your hand." Bella replied.

"Well, no one's going to believe you." Edward said.

"I wasn't going to tell anyone." said Bella.

"You aren't going to let this go, are you?" Edward asked.

"No." Bella said. Edward walked away from Bella and Alexis acted like she didn't hear anything. When they got home, the rest of the family started asking questions.

"Does she know anything?" Alice asked.

"No." Edward said. "She doesn't know anything about us." He started to head upstairs and Alexis followed him.

"She's getting suspicious, isn't she?" She asked.

"No. Why would you think that?" Edward said. "I just said she wasn't."

"I heard you guys talking in the hospital." Alexis said. "I heard her asking you how you got to her so fast. She knows something is up."

"Just leave it alone, Alexis." Edward said, walking away.

"Edward!" Alexis said. He turned back around.

"Ok. Fine." Edward gave in. "Yes. She is starting to suspect something is up."

"What are you going to do?" Alexis asked.

"I don't know." Edward said. "I'll handle it." Alexis sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry about what I said to you at the hospital. It was wrong of me to say that." Edward said, apologizing. "You are just as much a part of this family as the rest of us, even if you are a little different than us."

"It's ok." Alexis said. Edward walked away and Alexis headed back downstairs.

Later that evening, Alexis was outside hunting with her father and Rosalie. As she was running through the forest, she smelled a deer. She stopped suddenly and stayed still and quiet, concentrating. She heard it nearby and quietly moved towards the sound. She saw the deer. She crouched down and slowly moved closer to it, trying not to make a sound. She attacked it and sunk her teeth in, draining the blood from the deer. Once she finished, she stood up and wiped her mouth. She started to head back to where Rosalie and her dad was, but she stopped when she heard a howl. Curious by the noise, she headed towards it. Soon, she came across a wolf. The wolf looked at her and turned into a boy. She looked startled. She knew that there were werewolves in town, but she had never seen one before.

"I'm sorry." The boy apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok." Alexis said.

"I'm Seth." The boy said.

"Alexis." She said.

"It's nice to meet you." Seth said.

"You too." Alexis said. She moved closer towards Seth, but stopped herself. She looked down, seeing that she was about to cross the treaty line that separated her family from the werewolves.

"Are you ok?" Seth asked. "

Yeah." Alexis said. "I just can't come any closer than this."

"Why not?" Seth asked.

"My father told me not to. I can't explain it." Alexis said.

"You're one of the Cullen's aren't you?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Alexis said. "I'm guessing you want to leave now."

"Why would I want to leave?" Seth asked.

"I thought you and your pack didn't like us?" Alexis asked.

Seth shook his head. "Unlike my pack, I don't see you guys as a threat." He said.

"Oh ok." Alexis said, a little shocked by his answer. She thought that all werewolves hated vampires. I guess not all of them hate her kind. "Well, I don't see you guys as a threat either." Alexis said. "And I'm not like all the other vampires. I'm half vampire half human."

"Cool." Seth said. They smiled at each other. Just then, Alexis heard her dad calling for her.

"Alexis!" Carlisle called out.

"I have to go." She said. "My dad is calling me."

"Maybe we can we meet up again." Seth suggested.

"I'd like that." Alexis said.

"How about tomorrow. Here, at the same spot." Seth said.

"Sounds good." Alexis said.

"Alexis!" She heard her father call her, again.

"I really have to go." She said.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Seth said.

"See you tomorrow." Alexis said, running off. "I'm coming." She said as she saw her dad and Rosalie. That night, Alexis went to bed thinking about Seth.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now