Chapter 8

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A couple months later
A few months went by since everything that happened with James. It was the middle of September. Alexis's arm and leg were now healed and she had been spending more time with Seth. Alexis woke up in the middle of night, screaming. She had beads of sweat on her forehead. Ever since she was attacked a year ago, Alexis had been having nightmares.  Carlisle came into her room.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said. "Just a nightmare. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked.

"Yeah." Alexis said.

"Ok." Carlisle said. He tucked her back into bed and walked out of her room. She tried going back to sleep. She woke up in morning to the bright sun filling her room. She got out of bed and went over to her dresser. She put on a blue lace dress and flats. She combed her hair and put a black headband in. She headed downstairs and went into the kitchen, smelling something wonderful. She saw Edward and Carlisle making French toast.

"Good morning, Alexis." Edward said.

"Morning Edward. Dad." Alexis said, walking over to the fridge.

"Morning, sweetie." Carlisle said. "Breakfast is almost ready." Alexis got out chocolate milk and poured herself a glass. She sat at table and Edward set the plate in front of her.

"Thanks you guys." She said, taking a bite.

"You're welcome." Edward and Carlisle said. While Alexis ate, the rest of family came into the kitchen.

"Don't forget." Edward said. "I'm bringing Bella tonight for her birthday party." Everyone nodded. Alexis finished eating and put her plate in the sink. She grabbed her school bag, went out to the car, and got in.

That afternoon, Alexis walked into the cafeteria and got a piece of pepperoni pizza and a soda and went to sit with her siblings. She saw that they were already at their table. Bella was with them. "Hey Bella! Happy Birthday!" Alexis said, sitting at the table.

"Hey Alexis." Bella said. "Thanks."

"So, what did your parents get you?" Alexis asked.

"A camera and a scrapbook to put pictures in from senior year." Bella explained.

"That's cool." Alexis said.

"Don't forget." Edward said. "I'm picking you up tonight and bringing you to my house for your party."

"I don't like parties." Bella complained.

"You're having a party." Alice declared. "Everyone loves parties." Bella glared at Alice. Alexis continued to eat her lunch and then headed to her next class. 

That evening, Alexis was helping set up the party.

"They're here." Alice said, excitedly. Edward walked inside with Bella. "Come here. I have a gift upstairs for you." Alice said to Bella, pulling her up the stairs. A couple minutes, Edward, Bella, and Alice all came downstairs. Bella was wearing a dress that Alice got for her.

"Happy birthday Bella!" They all said.

"Thank you." Bella said.

"Here." Alexis, said handed her a box. "You can open my gift first." Bella took the and opened it, revealing a charm bracelet in it.

"Thank you, Alexis. I love it." Bella said. She had Edward put it on her.

"You're welcome." Alexis said. Bella continued to open gifts. Rosalie got her a necklace and Emmett got her a stereo for her truck.

"Here. Open Carlisle's and Esme's next." Alice said, handing Bella an envelope. As Bella started to open it, she cut herself and got a paper cut. Everyone froze for a moment. Then, Jasper started to run towards Bella. Edward pushed Bella against the wall and Carlisle and Emmett kept Jasper back. Alice went over to Jasper. 

"Hey. It's ok. It's just a little...blood." Alice said. They noticed Bella was bleeding pretty badly.

"I'm sorry Bella." Alice said, walking out of the room.

Carlisle rushed over to Bella. "I'll have to stitch this up in my ." He said as he looked over her arm. Emmett took Jasper outside. The others joined too. The only people that were in the room was Edward, Bella, Carlisle, and Alexis."

"Edward, check on Jasper." Carlisle said. "I'm sure he's very upset with himself and doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now." Edward nodded and walked out of the room. "Alexis, can you get my bag and help me please." Alexis grabbed her dad's bag as he brought Bella into his office. She brought the bag into the office.

"Get out my suture kit, please." Carlisle said. Alexis did as she was told. She got out the suture kit and set it next to her dad. "Thank you." He said. He grabbed a rag and started cleaning Bella's arm.

"How do you do it?" Bella asked Carlisle as he worked on her arm.

"Years and years of practice." Carlisle answered.

"Did you ever think about doing it the easy way?" Bella asked.

"No." Carlisle replied. "I knew who I wanted to be. I want to help people. It brings me happiness."

Bella looked at Alexis. "What about you?" She asked. "You seem ok around blood too."

"I have a lot of self-control, like my father, and since I'm only half vampire, I don't crave blood as much as the rest of them do." Alexis explained. Carlisle finished stitching up Bella.

"Thank you, Carlisle." Bella said, getting up.

"You're welcome." Carlisle said. He put the stuff back in his bag and they all walked back into the living room. They saw the rest of family in the room.

"I'm so sorry, Bella." Jasper said, getting up from the couch.

"It's ok, Jasper." Bella said.

"Edward, you should take Bella home." Carlisle said.

"Thank you guys for the party and gifts." Bella thanked them. "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Bella." Esme said, hugging her. Edward helped Bella carry her gifts out to the car.

Later that night, Alexis headed out to the woods to meet up with Seth. She was heading towards their spot, but stopped when heard something. She stood there and looked in the direction that the noise came from. All of a sudden, she saw a guy appear. He was wearing a black cloak. She could tell by his scent that he was a vampire.

"Hello." Alexis said. "I'm Alexis."

"Alec." The guy answered. He had a weird look on his face. Just then, he bared his teeth and tried to feed on her. Alexis panicked.

"Please don't hurt me." Alexis pleaded. "I'm a vampire."

"I'm sorry. I thought you were human." Alec said.

"I'm half human half vampire." Alexis explained. Alec's eyes widened and then, he rushed off without saying anything.

"That was weird." Alexis said to herself. She started to head back home, completely forgetting about Seth.

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