Chapter 42

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A couple months went by. It was the end of May. It was the last day of school and Alexis was getting ready to graduate that afternoon . Jacob and Seth has already graduated and they were having a combined graduation party at her house. Alexis was currently in her room as Alice was helping her get ready.

"You look great." Alice said.

"I'm sure I do with you helping me." Alexis said. She looked in the mirror. She was wearing a white dress with black heels. Alice had made her hair wavy and braided it. She also put a little bit of makeup on her.

"Ready to graduate?" Alice asked.

"I've only done it about 50 times." Alexis said, giggling. Alice giggled as well.

"Alice, come on." Rosalie said. "You don't want to make Alexis late to her own graduation."

"We're coming." Alice said. Alexis grabbed her purse and cap and gown and the two of the headed downstairs.

"Ready to go?" Esme asked.

"Yep." Alexis said.

They all walked outside. Alexis got into her father's car with him and Esme. Bella, Edward, and Renesmee got in their car. And the rest of them got in Rosalie's car. They all pulled out of the driveway and drove to the school. When they arrived, they all got out and went to the entrance. Alexis put on her cap and gown and got in line with the rest of the graduates. They walked into the auditorium and the ceremony started. Alexis looked out to the audience. Other than her family, Seth and his family, and Jacob were there for her graduation. They started calling names. When Alexis heard her name, she stood up and walked over to the principal. She shook his hand, took the diploma, and walked to the other side of the stage. She heard her family cheering, especially Emmett. When the ceremony ended, everyone headed outside. Alexis looked around for her family and quickly found them. They all congratulated her. Renesmee immediately greeted her with a hug.

"Congrats." She said.

"Thanks Nessie." Alexis said. Carlisle walked over to her.

"Congratulations, sweetheart." He said as he hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you, Dad." Alexis said, hugging him back. They took a bunch of pictures. She took one with her family and took individual ones with Renesmee, her father, and Seth.

"Now come on." Alexis said. "We have a party to get ready for." Everyone laughed. They all got in their cars and headed back to the house. There wasn't much they had to finish. They had already started setting up before the graduation. It wasn't the big of a party either. It was the Cullens, Seth's family, Jacob and his family, Charlie, and the wolf pack.

"I guess we can add another graduation cap to the collection." Alexis joked.

"Yeah." Emmett said, chuckling. A little bit after they had finished setting everything up, everyone started to show up. When Sam and Emily walked in, Emily went over to Alexis.

"Congratulations, Lexi." She said, hugging her.

"Thanks, Em." Alexis said. Ever since her father allowed her to see Seth, Alexis had been spending a lot of time on the reservation and had become good friends with Emily. Later that evening, Alexis was talking with a couple people, when Seth pulled her aside.

"Hey beautiful." He greeted her.

"Hi." Alexis said.

"Come outside with me." Seth said.

"Why?" Alexis asked.

"I have a surprise for you." Seth said as he pulled her towards the door. They walked out onto the back patio and Seth led Alexis over to section where there was a bunch of twinkling lights handing.

"It looks amazing, Alexis said." "But what are we doing out here?"

"Alexis, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met." Seth started. "From the first moment I met you, I instantly fell in love with you and knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." Seth pulled something out of his pocket and got down on one knee. Alexis gasped, realizing what was happening.

"Will you, Alexis Brianna Cullen, do me the honor of marrying me?" Seth asked. Alexis had tears in her eyes. She just nodded, not wanting to say anything and start crying. Seth stood and put the ring on Alexis. They kissed passionately.

"I love you so much." Alexis said.

"I love you, too." Seth said.

"I am old fashioned, so I hope you asked my father for his blessing beforehand." Alexis said.

"Of course." Seth said. "Come on, let's go back inside." They kissed again, before going back into the house. Alexis spent the rest of the evening, enjoying the party.

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