Chapter 30

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A few weeks later, Alexis woke up and got out of bed. It was the first day of school for her and Renesmee. It was Renesmee's first day of actually attending school and once again, it was Alexis's first day of senior year. She grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Once she finished, she walked into her room and saw Renesmee getting ready. "Good morning." Alexis said, drying her hair.

"Morning." Renesmee greeted Alexis. Alexis started rummaging through her closet, looking for an outfit. She settled on a purple sundress and sandals. She put the sundress on and started braiding her hair. "Don't you look cute today." Renesmee complimented, going over to Alexis.

"Thanks." Alexis said. "You don't look look to bad yourself." Renesmee was wearing a green dress with flats and her hair half up and half down. They walked downstairs together and saw Bella making breakfast.

"Good morning girls." Bella greeted them.

"Good morning Bella." Alexis said.

"Morning Mom." said Renesmee.

"Breakfast is almost ready." Bella said. "I'm making chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs."

"Sounds good." Renesmee said.

"What would you like to drink, Ness?" Alexis asked, going over to the fridge.

"Chocolate milk please." Renesmee said. Alexis grabbed the chocolate milk out and poured it in two glasses. She set the glasses on the table as Bella set down two plates filled with food. "Thanks Bella." Alexis said.

"You're welcome." Bella said. She started cleaning up breakfast.

"Good morning." Esme said as she and Carlisle walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." Renesmee and Alexis said as they ate.

"How are you girls, this morning?" Carlisle asked.

"Good." Alexis and Renesmee both said. The rest of the family came into the kitchen.

"Are you guy excited for school?" Edward asked.

"Yeah." Alexis said. "Despite experiencing many times, I always enjoy being a senior."

"I'm excited for school." Renesmee said. "But I'm also nervous."

"Why?" Rosalie asked.

"You guys have been homeschooling me." Renesmee said. "I've never been to an actual school before."

"It'll be fine." Edward said.

"Plus, you'll have me there with you." Alexis said, putting her around Renesmee.

"You'll be fine." Alice said.

"Well I guess if Alice says I'll be fine, then I should be ok." Renesmee said. Everyone laughed.

"I'll take you girls to school on my way to work." Carlisle said.

"Ok." Alexis said as she and Renesmee stood up and put their dishes in the sink. They picked up their bags and slung them over their shoulders.

"Ready to go?" Carlisle asked.

"Yeah." The two of them said.

"Then, let's go." Carlisle said, grabbing his keys.

"Bye everyone." Alexis and Renesmee said in unison as they followed Carlisle out the door.

"Bye." The rest of them said.

The three of them got in the car. Carlisle started the car, came down the driveway, and headed to the school. "You girls have a good day at school." Carlisle said, stopping the car in front of the school.

"Bye Dad." "Bye Grandpa." Renesmee and Alexis said as they got out of the car.

"I'll go with you to the office to get your schedule." Alexis said.

"Ok." Renesmee said. The two of the them walked inside and headed towards the administration office.

Once Renesmee got her schedule, they walked to their lockers. "We have homeroom and a few classes together." Alexis said, looking over Renesmee's schedule. They got to their locker, which were next to each other. They took out the books they needed, put the rest in their locker, and walked to homeroom.

Later that afternoon, Alexis met up with Renesmee outside the cafeteria. They walked in, grabbed some lunch, and sat at a table. Alexis got a ham and cheese sandwich with a soda and Renesmee got a pizza slice with a lemonade. They started eating. As they ate, Alexis got a text from Seth. "Seth and Jake are outside." She said to Renesmee. They both looked outside and saw Seth and Jacob outside, waving at them. They walked outside with their food.

"What are you guys doing here?" Renesmee asked.

"We wanted to have lunch with you guys." Jacob said. The four of them sat at a table and started eating. "So, how's your guys first day going?"

"Good." The two girls replied.

"I like my teachers so far." Renesmee said.

"That's great." Seth said.

"What about you guys?" Alexis asked.

"Same." Jacob and Seth answered. Jacob and Seth were seniors like Alexis.

"Is this going to become a habit?" Alexis asked. "Having lunch with us."

"If you guys want to continue doing it." Jacob said.

"Yeah." Alexis said.

"Sure." said Renesmee.

After a few minutes, the bell rang. "Come on, Ness. Let's get to music class. Alexis said, getting up. "See ya boys later." Renesmee stood up and followed Alexis.

Later that evening, Renesmee were making themselves some dinner. Edward has picked them up from school today. Once they made their dinner, they sat down at the table and started eating. "So, how did your guys first day go?" Bella asked as she, Edward, and Alice walked into the kitchen.

"It was good." Alexis answered.

"I enjoyed it." Renesmee said. "I like my music class."

"See, I told you you'd be fine." Alice said. 

"Yeah. You were right." Renesmee said. After eating, Renesmee and Alexis went up to their room and went to bed.

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