Chapter 10

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When Alexis woke up, she saw that she was in a different room and bed. She started panicking. She had no idea where she was. She heard a knock on the door and someone walked in. It was a girl with blonde hair. She was wearing the same cloak that guy was wearing.

"Come with me" The girl said. Alexis didn't object and followed the girl. The girl led her to a big room full of people. Among the people, she noticed the guy, Alec, that she met in the woods the other day. She realized that she was standing among the Volturi coven.

"Is that the girl you met?" A guy with long jet black hair asked. Him and two other gentlemen standing next to him, had on a different cloak than everyone else.

"Yes." Alec answered.

"Excellent." The guy said. He looked at Alexis. "Come here." He said, motioning for her to come closer. She walked towards him. She stopped when she was in front of him.

"Hello Alexis. It's nice to meet you." The guy said. "I'm Aro. And this is Marcus and Caius." He said, motioning to the other two guys.

"It's nice to meet you too, Aro." Alexis said.

"Tell me, what coven are you from?" Aro asked.

"The Olympic coven." Alexis answered.

"Ahh, so you're part of the Cullen family." Aro said.

"Yes." Alexis said. He took her hand. After a moment, he let it drop.

"Magnificent. Half mortal half immortal." He said. "Her mother was a human while her father, Carlisle, was a vampire."

"She's Carlisle's daughter?" Caius asked.

"Yes." Aro said.

"What do you want with me?" Alexis said.

"Well, my dear. As you know, you're very special." Aro said. "We would love for you to be a part of our group."

"You want me to join your coven?" Alexis clarified.

"Yes." Marcus said.

"Not going to happen." Alexis said. Aro looked disappointed.

"We'll give you some time to think about it." He said. "Jane, take her back to her room."

"Let's go." Jane said, leading the way. Alexis followed Jane. When she got back into the room, she laid on the bed and started to cry. She was scared and wanted to be with her family.

Meanwhile, back at the Cullen house.
Alice walked upstairs to see if Alexis was awake. It was mid morning and Alexis was always up early. Alice knocked on the door and called Alexis's name. "Alexis." There was no response.

"Alexis." Alice called out and knocked on the door again. Again, there was no response. Alice opened the door to see that Alexis wasn't in her room. She checked the bathroom to see if she was in there, but she wasn't. Alice started to panic.

"Carlisle!" She said, rushing down the stairs.

"Alice, what is it?" Carlisle asked.

"Alexis is gone." Alice said. "She's not in her room."

"What!" Carlisle vampire sped up to Alexis's room and saw that she wasn't there. "The Volturi." He said.

"You think they took her." Alice, who had followed him, asked.

"They must have." Carlisle said. They both went downstairs.

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Esme asked as the rest of them came to the bottom of the stairs.

"The Volturi." Carlisle said. "They took Alexis."

"What!" They all said.

"They must of taken her while she was sleeping." Emmett said. Just then, the doorbell rang. Edward went open it and saw it was Seth.

"What are you doing here?" He said, angrily.

"Who is it?" Rosalie asked.

"It's Seth Clearwater." Edward said. The rest of them came to the door.

"You know you're breaking the treaty." Emmett said.

"I know." said Seth. "I just need to talk to Alexis.

"Why do you need to talk to her?" Jasper asked. Seth started to get nervous.

"We've been meeting up and seeing each other for about a year now." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What!" They all said in shock.

"And how were you two meeting up?" Edward asked.

"We would meet at the treaty line every night." Seth answered. "I hadn't heard from her or seen her in a couple of days and I wanted to make sure she was ok. Can I talk to her?"

"You can't." Alice said.

"Why not?" Seth asked.

"Well for starters, you're a werewolf trespassing on our territory." Rosalie said. "But right now, Alexis is missing."

"She is!" Seth said, shocked.

"Now, can you please leave." Emmett said. Seth looked down as headed down the walkway. Carlisle started to head for the door.

"Woah. Carlisle, slow down." Esme said to her husband.

"I have to go get Alexis." Carlisle said.

"I know, but we need a plan first." Esme said. "We can't just go to the Volturi without a plan."

"The plan is that I'm going to go get my daughter and you guys are staying here." Carlisle said.

"We're going with you." Rosalie said.

"No. I can't risk the rest of my families lives being put in danger." Carlisle said. "I'm already not sure if I'm going to see Alexis again. I'm not risking any of your guys lives as well."

"Carlisle." Esme said.

"I'm going alone." Carlisle said, determined. And with that, he went outside and super sped to Volterra.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now