Chapter 34

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A couple days had passed. It was early in the morning. Alexis and Renesmee were upstairs asleep. They still had been acting differently. The rest of the family was in the living room, still trying to figure out what was going on with the girls. "I don't get it." Bella said. "They've never acted like this before."

"There's got to be an explanation." Rosalie said. "They can't just wake up one day and have a completely new personality."

"What if it has to do with them being hybrids?" Jasper asked.

"That could be a possibility." Esme said.

"So, it's a hybrid thing?" Bella asked.

"I don't know." Carlisle said. "There's still a lot we don't know about them."

"Maybe, it could be that they reached full maturity." Rosalie said.

"It would make sense for Renesmee." Jasper said.

"Did Alexis act like this when she reached full maturity." Bella asked Carlisle.

"No." Carlisle said.

"It's got to be something else, then." Emmett said.

"I think I know why they're acting like this." Edward said. Everyone looked at Edward. "I think Aro is doing this to them."

"What makes you think that?" Carlisle asked.

"When Aro came for Renesmee and Alexis, he said that things would happen to them if we didn't give them to him." Edward said. "What if he changed their personality and they're acting. Or had someone do it."

"It makes sense." Jasper said. "We wouldn't give them what they wanted, so they got back at us."

"I don't know why I didn't see it coming." Alice said.

"It's ok, Alice." Esme said.

"I'm going to go speak with Aro." Carlisle said.

"I'm going with you." Edward said.

"Me too." Bella said.

"No, you stay here Bella." Carlisle said. "Me and Edward can take care of Aro."

"Ok." Bella said.

"Let Seth and Jacob know what's going on, but don't tell Renesmee and Alexis until we get back." Carlisle said.

"Ok." Rosalie said. "Be careful." Esme said, going over to Carlisle.

"We will." Carlisle assured Esme. He kissed his wife and went outside, waiting in his car for Edward. After Edward said goodbye to Bella, he walked outside and they headed to Volterra.

"I texted Jacob and told him to come here with Seth." Bella said. They said be here any minute.

As if on cue, Jacob and Seth walked up the walkway and knocked on the door. Jasper answered it. "Hey guys. Come on in." He said.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked.

"We have something to tell you guys." Esme said.

"What is it?" Seth asked.

"You know how we told you guys that Renesmee and Alexis can't see you guys." Bella said.

"Yeah." Seth and Jacob both said.

"There's something you should know about them." Rosalie said.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"A couple days ago, they woke up and were completely different." Alice explained.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now