Chapter 5

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One morning, Alexis woke up and saw it was thunder storming. She smiled. Maybe they could all go out and play baseball. The only time her family could play baseball was when it thunder storms, because when they hit the ball with the bat, it's so loud it sounds like thunder. She got dressed and went downstairs. She saw her dad and Esme making breakfast.

"Good morning." Alexis greeted them.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Carlisle said, kissing her on the top of the head.

"What are you guys making?" Alexis asked.

"Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon." Esme said.

"Mmm." Alexis said. "Sounds good." She went over to the fridge, got out some orange juice and poured herself a glass. She sat at the table as Esme set a plate in front of her.

"How did you sleep?" Carlisle asked.

"Good." Alexis said.

"That's good." said Carlisle.

"Can we all go out and play a game of baseball today?" Alexis asked as she took a bite of pancake.

"That sounds like a great idea." Esme said.

"What is?" Alice asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Playing baseball today." Carlisle said.

"I'm up for a game." Emmett said, walking in with Edward.

"Edward, why don't you invite Bella to join us." Carlisle suggested.

"Ok." Edward said. "I'll go pick her up and meet you guys at the field."

"Ok." Esme said. Edward grabbed the keys and headed out to the car.

"What's going on?" Jasper asked as he and Rosalie walked in.

"We're going to play baseball." Alexis answered, finishing her breakfast and putting her plate in the sink.

"Awesome." said Rosalie.

"Well, let's get going to the field." Emmett said. They all piled into the car and drove to the field. When they got there, they got the bats and gloves out while they waited for Bella and Edward to arrive. When they arrived, they got started.

"You can be the umpire, Bella." Esme said. "Just call them as you see them." Rosalie bat first. Alice pitched the ball and Rosalie hit it.

"Now, I get why you guys need the thunder." Bella said.

"The only time we get to play is during a thunderstorm." Alexis explained. "I see why." Bella said. Alexis was up next. Despite the fact that she doesn't have super strength and super speed like her family, she still played with them. She just made sure she didn't get in the way when her family hit and threw the ball. She held the bat up. Alice pitched the ball and Alexis hit it, sending it into the tall grass. She ran around the bases as fast as she could. She slid onto home plate as Esme caught the ball.

"Safe." Bella said. Alexis stood up, smiling. She switched places with Alice and became the pitcher. Carlisle was the next one to bat. Alexis readied the pitch and threw the ball. Her father hit the ball, sending it far into the grass. Alice went to go get the ball, but she stopped all of a sudden.

"Stop!" She said. Then, Alexis heard footsteps. She went over to where everyone else was. They saw three figures approaching them.

"Bella, get behind me and put your hair down." Edward said.

"Alexis, do the same." Carlisle instructed. Alexis did as she was told and stood behind her Dad. The three figures got closer. There were two guys and a girl. One guy was African American with long dark hair. The other was white with long blonde hair as well. The girl had long red hair.

"I believe this belongs to you." The African American said, holding the ball up. He threw it to Carlisle.

"Thank you." Carlisle said, catching the ball.

"My name is Laurent." The guy said. "And this James and Victoria."

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." Carlisle said.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east." Victoria said. "You should be fine now."

"Excellent." Carlisle said. "We appreciate that."

"Could you use three more players?" Laurent asked. Carlisle was quiet. "Just a quick a game?" Laurent asked.

"Sure." Carlisle said. "Some of us were leaving. You can take their place."

"Wonderful." Laurent said. Alexis noticed that James had been eyeing her and Bella. The three turned. The wind caused their hair to blow.

"I see you brought us some snacks." James said, turning around. The Cullen's crowded around Alexis and Bella.

"The girls are with us." Carlisle said.

"I see the game is over." Laurent said. "We'll go." They turned around and walked off.

"Get Bella home." Carlisle said to Edward. Edward and Bella headed to his car. "Let's go." Carlisle said. The rest of them headed to the Jeep. Alexis got in and buckled up.

"Alexis, go upstairs and grab some of your clothes." Carlisle instructed, once they got home. Alexis ran upstairs and grabbed some of her clothes. She came back downstairs. Everyone went into the garage.

"When Edward and Bella get here, you guys will run through the woods wearing Bella and Alexis's clothes." Carlisle said to Rosalie and Esme. "Try to lead James away from them."

"Why do we need to help Bella?" Rosalie asked. "What's she to us?"

"Bella is with Edward. She's part of the family now. We will protect her." Carlisle said. He looked at Alexis. "Alexis, Alice and Jasper are going to take you and Bella away from Forks. You'll be safe." Alexis nodded, understanding.

Edward and Bella arrived. Alexis hugged her father. "Everything will be ok." He said, hugging her. She got in the car with Alice, Jasper, and Bella.

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