Chapter 43

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Alexis woke up the next day, still reeling over the events from last night. She admired her ring as she laid in bed. She sighed happily, getting out of bed. She headed downstairs and skipped into the kitchen. Most of her family was in there.

"Good morning." Alexis greeted in a cheery tone.

"Morning Alexis." Esme said.

"You're in a good mood this morning." Alice said.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Alexis said. "I just graduated."

"Which you've done about fifty times." Alice said. Alexis just shrugged.

"Wait. What is that on your finger." Alice said. She grabbed Alexis's hand. "Oh my god. It's a ring." Everyone looked at Alexis, shocked. Except Carlisle, who already knew the news.

"Seth proposed last night." Alexis said.

"Omg." Alice said.

"That's great." Rosalie said.

"That's wonderful, Alexis." Esme said. They all hugged her.

"Thanks guys." Alexis said.

"What's going on?" Bella asked as she, Edward, and Renesmee walked into the kitchen.

"Alexis and Seth are engaged." Jasper said.

"What!" Renesmee said, going to Alexis and hugging her.

"Congratulations, Alexis." Bella said.

"Thank you." Alexis said. Just then, Seth came into the house.

"Hey everyone." He said, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey. There's the man." Emmett said. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." Seth said.

"We need to go dress shopping." Alice said.

"We haven't even decided on a date." Alexis said.

"Actually, I had one in mind." Seth said. Everyone looked at Seth.

"I was thinking sometime in September." He said, looking at Alexis.

"I'm good with that." Alexis said.

"I'll start planning it right away." Alice said.

"Will you be able to get it ready that soon?" Seth asked.

"Of course I can." Alice said.

"If she was able to get mine and Edward's wedding in the amount time she did, then she definitely can get your guys wedding ready by September." Bella said. Everyone laughed.

"Come on." Alice said. "Let's go shopping."

"Alice, relax. We have all summer to go dress shopping." Alexis said. "I'm going to spend the day with Seth. We still have some more people to tell."

"Fine." Alice said.

"Who do you want to start with first?" Seth asked.

"Let's go to the reservation, first. I want to tell Emily and I'm sure you want to tell Jake." Alexis said. "We can go see your Mom afterwards."

"Sounds good to me." Seth said. "Let's go. I'm sure Emily will have breakfast ready for the pack by the time we get there."

"K." Alexis said. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." Everyone said. Alexis walked out of the house with Seth. Seth put his arm around her as they headed to the reservation.

"I still can't believe you found this ring." Alexis said. "Was it hard to pick one?"

"Not really." Seth said. "Your Dad helped me pick it out."

"Really?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah. We drove to Seattle one day." Seth said. "We looked at a few ones in a couple of jewelry stores and he helped me choose that that one."

"I love you." Alexis said, kissing Seth on the cheek.

"I love you too, baby." Seth said. They got to the reservation and went to Emily's house. The door was already open.

"Hey Emily." Seth greeted as they walked into the house. They saw her cooking breakfast.

"Hey you two." Emily said. "Just in time. Breakfast is almost ready. Make you get some some before your brothers do."

"Thanks." Alexis said. They made themselves a plate and sat at the table.

"We have some news." Seth said. "We're getting married."

"What! That's fantastic." Emily said. "When did this happen?"

"Last night at the party." Alexis said.

"Can I see the ring?" Emily asked. Alexis showed Emily the ring.

"Nice going, cuz." Emily said.

"Thanks." Seth said. When the rest of the wolf pack got there, Seth told them the news.

"That's great." Jacob said, hugging Seth. "Congrats man."

"We have to get going. We still have to tell Seth's mom." Alexis said. "But, thank you for breakfast."

"Anytime." Emily said. Seth and Alexis got in his car and made their way to Charlie's house. When they arrived at the house, they got out of the car and walked inside.

"Mom?" Seth called.

"In the living room, honey." Sue said. The two of them went into the living room and saw Sue, Charlie, and Leah watching tv.

"Hey guys." Charlie greeted.

"Hi." Alexis said.

"We have something to tell you guys." Seth said.

"What is it?" Leah asked.

"We're engaged." Alexis said. The three of them gasped in surprise.

"That's great." Charlie said. Sue came over to Alexis and Seth and hugged them.

"When's the wedding?" Leah asked. "September." Seth said.

"I'm happy for you both." Sue said. "I have something for you guys."

"What?" Seth asked. She handed them two keys.

"What's this to?" Alexis asked.

"Keys to our house on the reservation." Sue said. "An early wedding gift. You guys can use it for yourselves."

"Thanks Mom." Seth said.

"Thank you." Alexis said.

"You are both welcome." Sue said. Afterwards, Alexis and Seth headed back to her house.

"Where's Dad?" Alexis asked, when they walked inside.

"In his office." Esme replied. Alexis walked up to her father's office and knocked on the door. She heard her father say come in and walked in.

"Hey Dad." She said.

"Hey pumpkin." Carlisle said as he looked up from what he was doing.

"Thank you." Alexis said.

"For what?" Carlisle asked.

"Seth told me that you helped him pick out the ring." Alexis said, going over her father.

"I hope you like it." Carlisle said.

"I love it." Alexis said.

"I'm glad." Carlisle said. "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Dad." Alexis said. Carlisle hugged Alexis.

"Now, I'm going to spend the rest of day with Seth before I'm owned by Alice for the summer." Alexis said.

"Alexis, I'm taking you dress shopping tomorrow!" Alice called from downstairs. Alexis groaned. Carlisle chuckled and kissed her on the top of the head.

Alexis went back downstairs and sat on the couch, next to Seth. He put his arm around her.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now