Chapter 4

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A week later, Alexis came back into the house from "hunting", when really she was talking to Seth. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about him since they met and she has gone out every evening to see him.

"Good you're back, Alexis." Esme said. All of the family members were in the living room.

"What's going on?" Alexis asked.

"Edward has something to tell us." said Jasper.

Just then, Edward come into the room. "Bella knows about us." He said.

"What!" Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett said, surprised. Alexis wasn't surprised that Bella found out.

"How did she find out?" Rosalie asked.

"Did you tell her?" Emmett snapped.

"She figured it out on her own." Edward said. "And I couldn't lie to her when she asked me about it."

"Great." Rosalie said.

"She knows she can't tell anyone about us." Edward said.

"You better hope she doesn't." Emmett said. "Cause if she does, we're all in trouble."

"We should have her over to meet her." Alexis suggested.

"Are you crazy?" Rosalie snapped.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Alexis." Carlisle said. "We can have her over tomorrow."

"But." Rosalie started.

"It's settled, Rosalie." Esme said.

"Hmp." Rosalie said, crossing her arms.

The next day, they were all in the kitchen, making pasta for dinner. Alexis heard a car and looked outside, seeing Edwards car pull up. "They're here." She said.

"Oh yeah." Rosalie said. "I can smell her." Esme shot her a look.

Then, Edward and Bella came into the room. "Everyone, this is Bella." Edward introduced her.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Bella said.

"It's nice to meet you too." Carlisle said. "You know our foster kids and this is my wife, Esme."

"We made Italian for you." Esme said.

"Oh." Bella said.

"She already ate." Edward explained.

"It's just, I know you guys don't eat regular food." Bella said.

"That's very considerate of you." Esme said.

"Except for me." Alexis said. Bella looked at Alexis, confused.

"This is Alexis. My biological daughter." Carlisle explained. "She's a little different from the rest of us."

"How so?" Bella asked. "If you don't mind me asking?"

"She's half vampire half human." Carlisle explained. "I had a wife before I met Esme, who was human, and ended up having her. She drinks blood like the rest of us, but she also eats regular food and sleeps."

"Oh ok." Bella said, understanding.

"Are we seriously going act and pretend like this is ok and not putting all of us in danger." Rosalie said.

"I would never tell anyone."

"Rosalie knows that." Carlisle said.

"Hi Bella." Alice said, walking into the house with Jasper. She went up to Bella and hugged her. "Ooh. You do smell good."

"Alice." Edward said.

"It's ok." Alice said. "I know me and Bella are going to be great friends." Jasper stood there, quietly.

"Jasper's our newest vegetarian." Carlisle explained. "It's a little difficult for him."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper said.

"I'm going to give you a tour of the rest of house." Edward said to Bella, pulling her out of the kitchen. Everyone went about their business. Alexis ate dinner and then went out to see Seth. When she got to their usual spot, she saw him sitting there.

"Hey." He said, smiling. Alexis smiled back at him.

"Hey." She said, sitting across from him.

"How have you've been?" Seth asked.

"I've been good." She answered. "You?"

"Good." Seth replied. "Anything new with you?"

"My family just met Bella." Alexis said. She had told Seth about Bella and her knowing about them.

"How did that go?" He asked.

"Better than I thought it was going to be." Alexis said.

"That's good." Seth said.

"Yeah. Most of us are ok with her being with Edward." Alexis said. "But Rosalie and Emmett still aren't too fond of her."

"Ahh ok." Seth said. They continued to talk for a little bit and then, Alexis headed back to the house and went to bed.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now