Chapter 35

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A week had gone by with Alexis and Renesmee acting normal. Everyone still kept a watchful eye on them. Alexis woke up and got out of bed. She grabbed an outfit and headed into the shower. When she finished, she dried off, got dressed, and walked out of the bathroom. She saw Renesmee was up. "Morning Nessie." Alexis greeted her as she stood in front of the mirror, fixing her hair.

"Morning Lexi." Renesmee said. Alexis combed her hair and put a headband in. The two of them headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Alexis made a bagel with cream cheese while Renesmee made a bowl of cereal. They sat the table with their food and started to eat.

"Morning girls." Edward said, walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Alexis and Renesmee said.

As soon as Edward walked in, Alexis felt her throat burn. It was the burning sensation she got whenever she was hungry for blood. She didn't know why her throat was burning. She looked at Renesmee and she was giving her a weird look, which made Alexis think that Renesmee was having the same feeling in her throat. The burning sensation got worse as Edward got closer to them. The hunger was too strong and they both went over to Edward and was about to sink their teeth into him, when Jasper and Emmett pulled them away. Jasper held Alexis while Emmett held Renesmee.

"What are you guys doing!?" Jasper asked. Alexis and Renesmee bared their teeth at Edward.

"What's going on?" Carlisle asked as the rest of the family walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know." Jasper said.

"I walked into the kitchen to say good morning to the girls and they tried to feed on me." Edward said.

"Me and Jasper walked in and pulled them away." Emmett said.

"Why would they try to feed on Edward?" Alice asked. Alexis and Renesmee were about to lunge at Alice, but Emmett and Jasper had a strong grip on them and held them back.

"Don't know." Jasper answered.

"Girls?" Bella asked.

"My throat burns." Alexis said.

"Like we're hungry for blood." Renesmee said.

"When was the last time you girls hunted?" Esme asked.

"Last night." Renesmee answered.

"Then, they shouldn't be craving blood." Rosalie said.

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Bella asked.

"I don't know." Carlisle said. He walked towards the girls. They hissed and bared their teeth at him and he backed away. "I can run some tests." Carlisle said. "But I can't get near them without them trying to feed on me."

"What do we do?" Edward asked.

"Call Seth or Jacob and tell them to get over here." Carlisle said.

"I'll do that." Bella said, getting her phone out of her pocket.

A few minutes later, Alexis and Renesmee were in the kitchen while the rest of them were in the living room. Jacob and Seth arrived. They walked into the house.

"What's up, guys." Jacob said.

"Bella told to get over here quick." Seth said.

"There's something going on with Alexis and Renesmee." Rosalie said.

"Are they acting differently again?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Edward said. "But not in the way they were acting before."

"So, then what's going on with them?" Jacob asked.

"We're not sure what's going on with them." Carlisle said. "But earlier today, they tried to bite Edward."

"What do you mean they tried to bite Edward?" Jacob asked.

"Girls, can you come in here." Carlisle said.

Alexis and Renesmee came into the living room. As soon as they walked in, they felt the hunger come back. They lunged at their family, but Seth and Jacob caught them and held them back. They bared their teeth.

"See." Bella said.

"Why are they doing that?" Seth asked.

"We're not sure." Edward said.

"I can take their blood." Carlisle said. "See if there's anything different with it and do some research."

"What do you want us to do?" Jacob asked.

"I need you guys to hold them down while I draw their blood." Carlisle said. "I can't get near them without either of them trying to bite me."

"Ok." Seth said.

"I'm going to go get the supplies I need from my office." Carlisle said, before heading to his office. Seth and Jacob laid Renesmee and Alexis down each on a couch.

"Get off of me." Renesmee said, trying to get out of Jacob's grip. Jacob ignored her. "Let me go, Jacob." Renesmee pleaded.

"No." Jacob said. "We're just trying to help you."

Carlisle came back into the living room with the supplies he needed. He went over to Renesmee and took her blood. He then walked over to Alexis. As he got closer, she hissed and bared her teeth at him. She tried to get out of Seth's grip, but he was too strong. Carlisle drew her blood. He injected Alexis and Renesmee with a sedative and they were both out.

"What now?" Jacob asked.

"I'll analyze their blood and do some research." Carlisle said. "But for right now, they can't be around us. Could they stay with one of you guys?"

"They can stay with me." Seth said. "We haven't used my old house a lot since we all moved in with Charlie."

"Thank you." Carlisle said. "I gave them a sedative for them to calm down. They should wake up in a few hours." Jacob and Seth nodded. "We'll let you know if I find anything." Carlisle said.

"Ok." Seth said. They picked up Alexis and Renesmee and headed to Seth's house.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now