Chapter 25

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A year and half went by. Everything had been going well for the Cullen family after the encounter with the Volturi. It was a gorgeous August day, which was a nice change from rainy and dreary days they usually had in Forks. Alexis was sitting at a table at an outdoor cafe. She was with Seth, Jacob, and Renesmee. They were all on a double date.

"So, how are you guys doing?" Renesmee asked.

"We're doing good." Seth replied. "What about you girls?"

"Great." answered Alexis.

"That's good." Jacob said.

"Have you guys gotten anymore members for your pack?" Renesmee asked.

"A few." Jacob said. "But not a lot."

"Ahh ok." Renesmee said.

"What are your parents doing for their second anniversary?" Jacob asked.

"They're going to spend a few weeks in Hawaii." Renesmee said.

"They're leaving today."

"Nice." Seth said. "Renesmee, are you excited for you first day of school?"

"Yeah!" Renesmee said, excitedly.

"What about you, Lex? Are you excited for your senior year?" Seth said. "Even though you probably have done it many times."

"Yeah I've been through senior year many times, but I'm excited either way."

"So, me and Seth have been talking." Jacob started. "And we want to take you girls somewhere, just the four of us."

"But we don't know where." Seth said.

"I know where we could go." Alexis said.

"Where?" Jacob asked.

"Isle Esme." answered Alexis. "It's an island my Dad bought for Esme as a wedding gift."

"Nice." Jacob said.

"They spent their honeymoon there." Alexis said. "So did Bella and Edward. I can ask my dad if we can use it."

"Sounds good." Seth said. They finished eating and walked outside.

"We'll take you guys home." Seth said. Jacob and Seth turned into wolves and Alexis and Seth got on each other backs. They took off towards the Cullen house. When they got there, Jacob and Seth turned back into humans and they all walked inside. They saw Bella and Edward packed and ready to go.

"Hey pumpkin, come say goodbye." Bella said. "Me and Dad are heading out.

"I'll miss you." Renesmee said, hugging her mom.

"I'll miss you too." Bella said.

"I'll miss you more." Renesmee said. They giggled. It was a little game they played. Renesmee went over to her dad and hugged him. "Hey Dad?" She asked.

"Yes, princess?" Edward asked.

"Can me, Alexis, Jake, and Seth go to Isle Esme?" Renesmee asked.

"I'm ok with it, but that is up to your grandparents so ask them." Edward said.

"Ok. Bye Dad." Renesmee said, hugging him.

"Bye sweetie." Edward said. Everyone else said goodbye and then, Edward and Bella left. Alexis looked around, but didn't see her father.

"Where's my Dad?" She asked.

"In his office." Rosalie answered.

"Ok." Alexis said. She and Renesmee headed upstairs to her father's office. They saw him sitting on the couch with Esme, reading a book.

"Hey Dad. Esme." Alexis greeted them.

"Hi sweetheart." Carlisle said as he and Esme looked up from their books.

"Hey Dad, can we ask you something?" Alexis asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Carlisle asked.

"Seth and Jacob want to take Renesmee and I somewhere." Alexis started. "Can we go to Isle Esme?" She waited for an answer.

"That's fine." Carlisle said.

" Alexis asked.

"Yeah I'm ok with it." said Carlisle.

"Thank you, Daddy." Alexis said.

"Thank you Grandpa." Renesmee said. They both hugged him.

"You both are welcome." Carlisle said, hugging them. They went back downstairs to Jacob and Seth.

"They said yes!" Renesmee said.

"Awesome." Seth said.

"We can leave tomorrow, if you guys want." Jacob said.

"Sounds good." Alexis said.

"See you guys tomorrow." Jacob said.

"Bye Jake. Bye Seth." Alexis said. Seth and Jacob left. Alexis and Renesmee rushed upstairs to their room, which they shared, and started packing. Since the encounter with the Volturi, Alexis and Renesmee got really close and are now best friends.

"I'm so exited!" Renesmee said, starting to pack.

"Me too." Alexis said, doing the same. Once they both had finished, they got into bed and went to sleep.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now