Special Day

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Elsa's P.O.V

Who the heck wakes up at four in the morning?! He must be brain dead. "Jack, we don't have a mission today." Instead of listening, he went out of my room. I turned on my tv since I couldn't sleep. The door opened and Jack was standing there. But he had a tray full of food in his hands! Yes FOOD.

"Jack, what are you doing?" He placed the tray beside me. "Made you breakfast." Literally goals. I checked the tray and there were pancakes, orange juice, and a box of chocolate. "Thank you." I already grabbed the fork.

"Anytime." I began eating a little but it was too much. Jack noticed I was getting full. "Want some help?" I nodded. We began eating and watching the tv, Pretty Little Liars.

It was already seven which was still really early for anyone to wake up. "I'll be right back." I had already changed my clothes, so I decided to leave. "Okay." Jack nodded as he sipped the remaining orange juice.

Jack's P.O.V

I changed my clothes since Elsa had left the room. Good thing she has a dresser and her clothes were already in the huge closet. When she came back, I realized that we kinda had the same clothes on. Black and Blue. She realized it too. "Els, do you want to probably head somewhere?"

"Sure, but where should we go?" I was thinking of a place that Pitch couldn't kidnap us again. "The park!" The park was full of people and Pitch wouldn't be in a place full of people. "Sounds fun!" Elsa exclaimed.

We started to head towards the park. "So umm Elsa, what do you do in your spare time?" Trying to make a conversation. "I just hang out with Punzie and her other friends." She replied looking around.

I looked at her and she looked like she stepped over something. "Jack watch out!" Elsa pointed behind me but I was already to late. Next thing I know, I'm face first on the grass. Gross. Please watch my face Pitch, I can't afford to lose this much perfectness.

Elsa's P.O.V

"Are you ok?" I tried to help him up. "Yeah, just got distracted I guess." Jack had shock written all over his place. Not Pitch, just a baseball. "Hmm I know something that could cheer you up!" I ran to the ice cream stand. "Jack! What would you like?" I asked him when he was a few feet away from me.

"Chocolate please." He said wiping the dirt off his pants. I ordered two cause I like chocolate. "Here." I handed him his ice cream. "Thanks snowflake." I stared at him and suddenly his eyes widen. "S-Sorry!" I giggled a bit. "It's fine, I actually kinda like the name snowflake." I bit into my ice cream. I know, not human to bite your ice cream but I like the cold.

"Come on let's sit on a bench." I nodded and he went over to a nearby bench. I followed him and sat next to him. We both finished our ice cream in less than a minute. I grabbed the wrappers and threw them into a trash can. Kobe! "Whoa! How did you do that?!" Jack said looking surprised.

Uh oh..the trash can was five or six feet away from us and I made it in perfectly. "Practice." I said smiling. "Elsa, I got something for you." He pulled out a box. Oh my god he's gonna propose I can't. Like I'm only 21 somethings wrong with you man. I can't man. "A gift? You don't have to get me anything." I said looking at the box, trying to keep my chill. "But I wanted to. For being a great friend and a great trainer." Phew.

He opened the box and inside was a beautiful necklace. Must've been hundreds of dollars. "Jack.." That was all I could say. "Anytime snowflake." Jack smirked then went behind me and put the necklace on me. I stood up." Thanks so much!" I hugged him tightly. "Anything for you, snowflake." He said hugging me back. Sparks! I mean uh, yeah this is nice.

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