One Down, more to go

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Elsa's POV

We walked out of the room and Eugene laughed at the DO NOT DISTURB sign. "What's so funny?" I asked him. Eugene got a marker out and wrote IM GETTING LUCKY on the bottom of the sign.

I laughed and Jack laughed. "Good one." Jake said. "I know. Thank you everyone." Eugene said bowing down. "You said Pitch was a blonde right?" Anna said. "Yeah." Eugene answered.

"There's a blonde guy over there." Anna pointed out. He had blonde, wavy hair that was hanging down his eyes. His clothes, man he was shirtless and was wearing shorts.

"Rapunzel stop staring." I snapped my fingers in front of her face. "Huh? Sorry it's just that six pack!" She said freakin out. "Of course he would be shirtless, he was by the pool!" Jake said.

"Let's go to him. Maybe he won't recognize us." I said feeling uneasy. "Good idea." Jack said. I smiled but I could feel like there's someone behind me. I turned around, making my brown hair to blow in my face.

There was no one there. "Are you ok?" Merida asked me. "I felt something behind me." I answered turning back. "You feel it too?" Hiccup said. I nodded and everyone looked at us confused.

"When we arrived here in this hotel, I can feel someone behind me, but when I turn around there's no one there." Hiccup said.

"Freaky." I said. "Freaky indeed." Anna said. "Guys? Where's Pitch?!" Rapunzel exclaimed. I looked back to where he was standing, but no trace of him anywhere.

We all went silent then a phone rang. "I'm sexy and I know it!" The ringtone singed out and Jake picked it up. "Excuse me for a moment everyone." Jake said walking away from us.

Jake's POV

"Hey dad, what's up?" I said looking back at the group then back at my phone. "Son, have you completed the plan yet?" Pitch, my father asked me. "Not yet. Patience is key." I said.

"Well what are you waiting for?!" My dad yelled. "I'll take them out, one by one." I said smirking. I could feel my dad smiling over the phone. "Make Elsa's and Jack's the most painful." My dad suggested.

"I was planning that." I said. My dad gave out a cackle that even me, would be scared out of my mind. "Son, I sent a few nightmares your way." My dad said then hanged up.

"Perfect." I said putting the phone back in my pocket. I walked back to the group and everyone was in groups.

"Alright Jake, your with me and Jack." Elsa said. "Anna with Kristoff, Merida with Hiccup, and Rapunzel with Eugene." Elsa said pointing around.

'Perfect.' I thought. "Everyone ready?" Anna said. "Yeah!" The boys yelled and the girls cheered. Elsa's group or my group, went to the hotel lobby. "Spilt up. We'll cover more ground that way." Jack said.

I nodded and Elsa nodded along. I went to the doors, Elsa went by the elevators, and Jack sat on the middle chairs with a large newspaper covering his face.

"Can you guys hear me?" Elsa said through her earpiece. "Yeah I hear you nice and loud." Jack said. "Copy that." I said.

I thought of a plan on how I could've got Elsa alone. And dead. "Hey Elsa, I found something. Come check it out." I said through my earpiece. "On my way." Elsa said walking towards me.

"Jack stay there, and keep a look out." Elsa said in front of me. "So where's the thing?" Elsa said. I pointed to a room and opened it. "In here." I said. Elsa went in and I went in a few feet away from her.

"Nightmares. I need you right now." I whispered moving my ear piece away from my mouth. I saw shadows come in from the doorway and I smirked.

"Look around the chair. Maybe it's somewhere near there." I said. Elsa checked the chair and I pushed her onto the chair. "Jake! What are you doing?!" Elsa yelled out.

I ignored her and tied her up with a combo of chains and ropes. "Finish her." I said snapping my fingers at the nightmares. The nightmares nodded and went towards her.

"Sweet dreams Elsa, if there's any more left." I said slamming the door behind me. Jack was still observing the hotel lobby. I heard screams coming from the inside of the door and it died down.

"Good job." I said to myself.

A/N How did you guys like it? I finally added in a Jake's POV. Sorry if it takes a while for me to update, I have school and so many other things.

Did anyone watch the movie Annabelle yet? I'm planning on watching it tonight. Yes if I don't sleep and I have bags under my eyes, you'll know why.

Oh and I have a new book! Called ROYALTY VS BULLIES. Please read it! It's actually based on a movie but with some tweaks to it. *throws snowflakes at the audience*

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