Deleted Chapter

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Elsa's POV

"Emma!" I yelled as I was holding a pretty doll. "Miss Pinky!" Emma yelled as she ran over to me. I smiled and handed her the doll. "Now you and Lucy can play." I said.

"Thanks Elsa!" Emma said then ran away with the doll. I walked out of the play area and bumped into Rapunzel. "Hiya Cousin!" Rapunzel yelled with a smile.

"Hi." I waved to her. Rapunzel handed me some papers. "You need to take care of that." She said then skipped away. I looked at the dozens of papers she had given me.

"Great." I said then walked to my room. I placed the paperwork down on my desk and put on my music. I work better with music. "Let's see.." I said quietly as I look through my soundtrack.

Aha! My favorite song, Jungle. I played it in my earphones since I didn't want to disturb anyone. "Sign?" I said as I looked for an 'X' asking for my signature.

I quickly signed my name in cursive.


I quickly got my papers and ran to Hiccup. He was in charge of all the papers so I wouldn't be surprised.

"Hiccup?" I asked as I slowly opened the door. Hiccup had his glasses on just looking at me. "Oh hi Elsa. Come on in." Hiccup said smiling.

"Thanks." I said closing the door. "What brings you here?" Hiccup asked me. "The papers I needed to sign." I said handing him the paper work.

"Thank you!" Hiccup said quickly taking the papers. "Is that it?" I asked him. Hiccup nodded. "Anyway, nice seeing you Hiccup." I said then walked out the door.

I smiled as I saw Olaf come running to me. "Hiya Boy." I said petting him. Olaf kept licking me and going through my pockets for treats.

"You want a treat?" I asked Olaf as I reached inside my pocket. He jumped up and down panting. I pulled out a bag of bacon strips. "Here you go." I said feeding Olaf a few.

Olaf happily licked my face then ran off. I smiled and went to my room.

Facing Death ((Jelsa))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora