Job Search

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I woke up to the loud sound of my alarm. I checked the time and it was 9:00 am. I was exhausted from how long I was out yesterday and because I am still jet lagged. Nevertheless, I got up and got ready for the day.

Today's outfit is a white crop top with a blue skirt with white polka dots, a red bomber jacket, and white vans.

I ate some breakfast and headed out to see if anyone was hiring.

I applied to some places and was just wandering around until someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to be greeted with one of best friends from San Francisco Krystal Jung.

"Hey Hyemin what are you doing in Korea!??" Krystal says while hugging me.  "I moved here and am now looking for a job!" I say.  "It's been forever Hyemin I cant believe we didn't keep in touch." She said. "Same, but how are things going with being famous and all?" I ask. "Hahaha yea things are good... do u wanna come to my company right now? I can introduce you to some people?" She exclaims.  "Ummmmmm sure why not.  Where do you work?" I ask.  "SM Entertainment." She said. "Oh that's where there was a mob of girls yesterday screaming and squealing." I remembered.  "Oh yea NCT127 just got back in so the fans were going crazy.  We can meet them if you want." She said. "Um its okay you can introduce me to them another time, since they must be tired." I said.  "Okay then lets get going!!" She exclaimed.

We walked to the SM building and entered. It was amazing on the inside. Better than I imagined it to be, it was spectacular.

Krystal lead me up to meet some of the bands and I was a shy mess. I just couldn't help squeal on the inside since I was surrounded my hot men.

We then came in front of the NCT127 dressing room where they usually hang out. Krystal knocked on the door and a cute looking boy answered.

"Hey Krystal noona!" He said. "Hey Mark! How are you?" Krystal said. "Good... oh who's this?" He asked. "This is my friend from California, Lee Hyemin. Hyemin, Mark. Mark, Hyemin." She introduced. "Hi nice to meet you!" He said. Nice to meet you too Mark!" I exclaimed.

Out of nowhere my phone started ringing so I excused myself and answered it. "Lee Hyemin speaking." I said into the phone. "Hello Ms. Lee this is Kim's Flower Shop calling about the application you submitted." "Oh yes hello!" I exclaimed. "We would like for you to come in for an interview tomorrow around 10:30 am if that's ok." They said. "That's perfectly fine see you then!!" We ended the call and I informed Krystal that I needed to head home.

I got home and started planning for what to wear to my interview!

To be continued...

A/N: It's me...again and I'm soooo happy right now idk why hehe. Anyways hope you guys are enjoyinggggg!!

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