Job Interview?

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I got home all excited to pick out what to wear to this job interview. For some reason I was overly excited about it, like it had something in store for me.

I picked out a nice navy blue blouse with some black pants, a cute blazer and black heals. I looked at it and ended up taking out the blazer since it wasn't that much of a formal interview.

**Time Skip to the next day**

I woke up around 8:30 am, took a shower and got ready. By the time I head to the kitchen for breakfast it was 9:45 am. I ate, grabbed my keys and was on my way.

When I reached the flower shops there was a whole ass line at the front and I was hella surprised. Since when have this many people wanted to buy flowers on a Monday?

I moved through the line to get to the inside getting cursed at along the way. I went up to the front and told the lady I was here for an interview and she told me to wait on the side so I did. All of a sudden 5 boys that I've seen before walked out of the back of the shop. I recognized one of them and called his name. "MARKKKK!!" I yelled. "He looked over at me and yelled back "HYEMIN NOONAAAAAAAAA!!" "Do you know her?" One of the guys next to him asked. "Yea Taeyong Hyung, we meet yesterday at the company. She's Krystal noona's good friend." "Oh ok then." Taeyong responded.

After the rush of girls left Mark introduced me to the 5 guys that where there and I got to know them NCT127... well half of NCT127. "Everyone this is Hyemin noona, Hyemin noona this is everyone." Taeyong was next to speak "Ready everyone? 1,2,3 Hello we are NCT127!" I was quite shocked that they introduced themselves in such a formal fashion. They were in unison and it was an amazing sight to see. After the formal introduction they introduced themselves "Hi I am the leader Taeyong." "Hi I am Doyoung." "Hi I am TAEILL!" "HI I AM HAECHAN!!" ...... "and I'm Mark as you know." They finished their introductions and I then introduced myself. " Hi I'm Lee Hyemin I just moved back to Korea after living in California for a while." They all said hi and then had to leave as the rest of NCT were waiting in the van outside. We all bid out goodbyes and then the lady took me in for my interview.

She asked me all the questions asked in an interview like why I want to work there and such. She ended up giving me the job and everything was all cool. I headed home a took a long ass nap.

Mark POV-
We got back to the van and all the other members started asking why it took so long. I told them that we met one of my friends in there so we had a little chat. "Who was this friends??" Yuta hyung asked. "It was this girl that I met yesterday that's Krystal noona brought over." I said. "What's her name?" Winwin hyung asked. "Lee Hyemin noona." I said. "Ahh ok" he replied.

By the time we finished talking we were back at the SM building and ready for practice.

To be continued...


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