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Jaehyun POV-

We got home and I went straight to my room. I was so confused I had so many questions that weren't answered. All of a sudden there was a knock at my door and I answered it. "Come in" i said. Johnny hyung came in my room and sat down on my bed to talk to me. "Do you like her?" "What are you talking about" I said. "Hyemin. Do you like her? And don't even say you don't because it's obvious you do." He replied. "I don't know hyung. Everytime I see her I just feel joy and happiness like I just want to protect her from this evil world..... I don't know how to explain." I said. "Well that's you liking her bro. Try talking to her or confessing maybe." "HYUNG!! I can't do that!! She's my best friend I don't want to ruin anything." "Well maybe you should try talking to her and see what happens." He replied. "I don't know... we'll have to see what happens." I said. "Alright, good night Jaehyun-ah" "Good night hyung." And with that we bid our good nights and went to bed.

*The next morning*

Hyemin POV-

It was an early morning and I felt really energized. My phone went off and I saw Jaehyun's name pop up onto my screen. I immediately picked up my phone and smiled. I don't even know why, but I felt super happy after knowing it was him. He had texted me.

Hey Hyemin it's me Jaehyun! I was wondering if you would want to meet up later today at a coffee shop.

Hey Jae! Sure I would love too! Which one?

The one next to your apartment building.

Ok that sound great!

Awesome! I'll see you around 12.

Ok then byeeeeeeeeeeee!

Bye! :)

After we had our little conversation, I got up right away to get ready for this...... date? NO HYEMIN STOP THINKING LIKE THAT HE'S JUST YOUR FRIEND SO SHUT UP!

*Time skip

It was already 12 and I had just arrived at the coffee shop. I opened the door and looked around. I then saw a gorgeous looking Jaehyun dressed in a black supreme hoodie with black jeans on and black shoes. His hair was a little wet (literally just thought of Ten) and he had a snap back cap on which was also black. I just really like the whole darkness of his outfit since I love black. I was wearing a black tee and black skinny jean and black converse as well. "Hey how are you?" He asked. "I'm fine how about you?" I asked. "I'm fine thanks for asking. Listen Hyemin... I need to talk to you about something." He seemed quite nervous and was fidgeting with his fingers. "What's wrong Jaehyun why do you seem so nervous?"  "It's just that I......I......I-"  "Come on Jaehyun you could tell me anything.  It's okay just say it." I tried reassuring him but I didn't know if it worked. "Okay fine I'm just gonna say it. Iactuallyreallylikeyouandkindawanttodateyoubutifyoudontwanttoitsfine." He said it so quickly but I was able to pick up on some of the words for example: like, date, it's, fine. "Uhhh can you say it a little slower?" I asked him. "I'm sorry I'm just really nervous but I really like you Hyemin. I really want to date you but I am an idol and dating me would be hard. If you're up for it then I would gladly want you to be mine. If you don't like me that way or don't want to date me it's perfectly fine just tell me so I can get rid of my feelings for you." He said what I thought he would never say: he liked me. Jung Jaehyun likes me. My best friend likes me. An idol likes me. My crush likes me.

To be continued...

A/N:  Aye guysssss it's me! I know I haven't been updating regularly at all and I'm so sorry about that. I've been quite busy with school but will try my best to update more often. Anyways have you guys listened to Ateez?? They are literally soooo good. I love them so much. My bias is San but Seonghwa and Hongjoong are wrecking me so much.  STREAM HALA HALA, SAY MY NAME, PIRATE KING, TREASURE, and PROMISE!!!
Also go follow me on insta: neo_crack_technology

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