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Jaehyun POV-

"Jaehyun-ah do you have anything to tell us?" Our manager was asking me like I had done something bad. "uh no." I said trying to show confidence. "Oh really? What did you want to say when you first entered?" His tone of voice started to get really annoyed. "Um I just had something to tell the members. Nothing important it can wait." I told him. "You seemed as though it was extremely important. So important that you didn't even notice me right next you. So so so important that if you probably didn't notice me I would've heard exactly what you would've told them." At this point I started getting annoyed. His tone of voice and the way he was saying everything was just so irritating. "Manager-nim you can continue telling the members whatever you were saying before I came in." I just told him to move on before I end up punching him. "Alright then Jaehyun-ah, if you insist."

"Before our Jaehyunie came in I was telling you all about how some pictures of a certain member are circulating around the internet." This worried me a little because someone could have easily taken a picture of me hugging Hyemin. I decided to take the thought out of my head because when I looked around no one was looking at us with a shocked expression. "A member was seen hugging a young lady in a public cafe for everyone to see." When our manager said this I froze I felt him burning holes in my forehead. I felt like I was going to throw up. "That member is our oh so cute Jaehyunie." Our manager said this with so much anger, annoyance, frustraction, and sarcasm laced in his voice. "So Jaehyun-ah do you still have nothing to tell me or should I say US?"

I knew at this point I had to tell them all what happened between Hyemin and I. "This morning I texted Hyemin and asked her to meet me at the cafe right next to her building." I started telling them, but of course, manager-nim interrupted. "Ooooooo look who wants to talk now." I chose to ignore him and keep going. "I had something to tell her so I texted her. She said okay and we meet at the cafe." I told them the whole story and some members were shocked and the others were so happy. Manger-nim...well let's just say he had smoke coming out of his ears.

"OMG JAEHYUN HYUNG MANNED UP AND ACTUALLY TOLD HYEMIN NOONA HE LIKES HER AND NOW THEIR A THING!!" Haechan basically yelled this on the top of his lungs. Our manager was about to say something before Johnny interrupted him. "MY SHIP IS FINALLY SAILING YASSSSSS!!" He also yelled this at the top of his lungs. All the other members were running around the dorm yelling and getting all excited. They were all so happy before manager-nim had to open his useless mouth again.

"GUYS CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" Once he yelled this all the members stopped running around screaming and sat back down. "This relationship won't continue and Jaehyun will break up with this girl." When he said this I got extremely mad. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO BREAK UP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?! IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN 24 HOURS FOR OUR RELATIONSHIP AND YOU WANT ME TO BREAK UP WITH HER!??" I was so pissed but of course he had to open his mouth again. "Um EXCUSE YOU JAEHYUN-AH I am your manager and you need to do what I tell you. I don't care if it's been 5 minutes for your relationship, you're gonna break up with her and that's final." With that he started walking towards the door to leave. I wasn't gonna let him leave until I finished talking, so I started yelling again. "YOU WANT ME TO BREAK HER FRAGILE LITTLE HEART JUST LIKE THAT?!! SHE WAS ALREADY HESITANT ON DATING AND NOW YOU JUST WANT ME TO PROVE HER RIGHT??!! YOU WANT ME TO TELL HER 'Hey I'm so sorry but you were right we can't date each other because my manager won't let me so yeah bye' HUH?!! YOU WANT ME TO BREAK MY ANGEL LIKE THAT!?? MANAGER-NIM TELL ME IF YOU WERE IN MY POSITION WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO BREAK YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S HEART LIKE THAT??" I was so mad that I felt like ripping my manager's head off. Before I kept yelling Taeyong hyung interfered "Jaehyun-ah calm down please." "Jaehyun-ah if I were you I would break up with my girlfriend because you know what? She would be a DISTRACTION." This is what pushed my buttons the most. I was about to run up to my manager and hit him before Yuta hyung held me back. "Anyways Jaehyun by this time tomorrow I will be back and you better not be in any sort of relationship with some worthless girl." And with that he left.

"Jaehyunie sit down." Johnny hyung told me to sit down and I did. "Now Jaehyun-ah can you please explain to us what is going on." Taeyong hyung was extremely calm while asking me, but I knew on the inside he was freaking out. "I just confessed to her and she accepted and then I hugged her someone saw I guess." I was so worn out from all that yelling from before. "Everything that I said in front of manager-nim was all that happened." I was done. All I wanted to do was cry my eyes out but I knew I couldn't. "Jaehyun-ah, are you going to break up with her?" It was now Doyoung's turn to ask the question everyone was wondering. "Doyoung-ah......I don't think I have a choice. I don't want to but what can I do?" I was desperate for an answer. I don't want to leave her and I don't want to cause trouble for NCT's success. I have no idea what to do.

"How about secretly dating. That way you and noona won't have to break up and our group won't be affected?" Haechan said. "I don't think noona will agree with that." Mark said. "We can always try asking Hyemin what she thinks." WinWin said. "Yea, but then she will get the idea that something's wrong and might break up with Jaehyun for his benefit."  Taeil hyung pointed out. "But trying won't hurt and that's the worst that can happen hyung." WinWin said. "What do you think Jaehyunie?" Taeyong hyung asked me. To be completely honest if we do tell her I'm afraid she'll blame herself if anything goes wrong, but I was willing to try if she was. "Let's ask her and give it a try."

To be continued...

A/N:  Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!  Make sure to vote and comment!!!  Also does anyone know when NCT 127 concert tickets go out and where to buy the??  Anyways have a great day!!!! :)

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