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Once again I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I felt like dying, but remembered that I had a job to attend to, so I have to save dying for another day. I got up, took a shower, changed my clothes, did a bit of makeup so I don't look as ratchet, ate breakfast, and left to go to work.

When I got there the air felt extremely awkward. The boss called me into her office. I entered and she scolded me "Why weren't you at work yesterday huh? You're new and that means you can't miss work! Especially without telling me!" "I am sorry ma'am something came up and I couldn't contact you." I responded. "It's okay just don't do it again." She dismissed me and told me to go arrange some flowers.

I finished work and it was around 4 pm. I was wondering the streets until I saw once again, a whole bunch of girls huddled around some people. I knew they were idols, but I felt bad that they have to go through that. I kept walking until I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Jaehyun with NCT127. I realized what he just did because that whole mob of girls were now looking at me like fresh meet. "Oh hi Jaehyun" I said. Right when I said this I knew it was the wrong move because then this girl said "Who are you and why are your talking to our Jaehyunie!?" "YEA!!" The whole group shouted. "I am Jaehyun's friend from high school" I said. I tried to stay confident, but it felt like they were burning holes into my head.

"Jaehyun-ah come on" Taeyong yelled from the van. "Ok I'm coming" he said. "Bye Hyemin" He said. "Bye" I responded and watched him and the rest of the band drive away.

I quickly speed walked away before any of the fans could come for me or something.

I kept walking and thoughts kept going through my head. Mostly about Jaehyun.  When ever I see him I feel my heart flutter he's just so cute and ugh. I can't handle this. What if I like him? What if he likes me? What if he hates me? No that can't be it he talks to
me.  What if he's faking everything and isn't even a Kpop idol?!! I kept thinking thoughts like these, but realized that I'm stupid and he is 100% a Kpop idol.  I kept walking around, buying food, and enjoying the view of Seoul. I felt at peace for some odd reason.

Jaehyun POV-
"Jaehyun hyung! Why were you just standing there looking at Hyemin noona? You looked so stupid." Haechan said to me. "HAECHAN" Taeyong hyung yelled at him. "What he looked really stupid just standing there" Haechan responded. I sighed in response.

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