I'm Sorry

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It was the next day and I woke up extremely late. I checked the time and it was 2:30 pm. All the memories from last night came rushing back in. I felt disgusting and tired. I felt apologetic to Jaehyun. He had to be in the middle of all that and almost had no say in anything. I felt humiliated.  Nevertheless, I got up to meet Jaehyun at this coffee shop he recommended.

I got dressed and left to see him.  I was wearing an oversized black hoodie with black jeans and checkered slip on vans.

I got to the cafe and no one was inside expect the workers and Jaehyun.  "Over here Hyemin!" Jaehyun yells out to me. I nod walk over to him.  "Hi Jaehyun.  Sorry about yesterday."  I say feeling extremely humiliated.  Jaehyun put his hand on my shoulder and says "don't worry about it. Things happen."  Him saying that really meant a lot to me. Even though I don't know him that well, it feels like we were never separated.  "I was wondering, since we don't really know each other... well the grown version of each other, if you wanted to just spend today getting to know one another... all over again?" Jaehyun suggested.  "Sure why not." I replied. "Great!  So what have you been up to?" He asked.  "Well before I came back I lived in this beautiful apartment in Los Angeles with my ex and my cat, Sasha."  I explained.  "So you like cats?" He asked.  "Yes I love them!" I exclaimed. "What about you Jaehyun. You seem really busy lately." I said. "Of course I'm busy, I mean being in a Kpop band is a lot of work and extremely tiring. I love it though. My group is like my family. I can tell them anything and trust that no one is going to tell the closest news outlet."  He expressed.  While he was talking I noticed how much he loves and has a passion for his job. He really loves his members and can't be separated from them.  Also when he smiles he has the cutest dimples. I felt even more apologetic that I dragged him away from his group today and yesterday. I also noticed how he still is the sweetest person ever. Not judgmental, not rude, not disrespectful, and certainly not cold. I felt all warm and fuzzy on the inside while being around him. I felt safe.

Jaehyun POV
After I finished talking I asked Hyemin more about what she's been doing lately.  "So Hyemin, tell me what you've been doing lately. Tell me everything. She started talking and it was mind blowing how much I didn't know about her. Her favorite color is purple, her favorite food is sushi, she has glasses, but never wears them because she thinks she looks ugly, she is a bit self conscious, and she stressed a lot back home about her sister because she never listens to her about studying for school. She is a charming person. I like that about her. She is polite and interesting. I feel like I've known her for ever and we never spent any time apart. I missed this and I'm glad I have it back.

It was the end of our little getting to know each other session and I offered to walk her home, "Hyemin, I could walk you home if you like."  "Nah man it's ok I can get home by myself, but thanks for the offer."  She replied. "Anytime."  I said.  My phone started ringing and it was Taeil hyung. 
"Hello?" I said.
"Jaehyun-ah when are you coming back because we wanted to do another practice?"  He said.
"I am on my way right now."  I said
"Ok well see you soon." He said and needed the call.

I bid goodbye to Hyemin and was on my way to the SM building.

Hyemin POV
So Jaehyun just left and I felt much better.  Getting to know him more made me feel even more comfortable around him. I hope nothing separates us ever again.

I got home and changed into sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I just laid on my bed reminiscing about what happed earlier.  I felt happy. For once. I felt happy. I soon drifted off into my sweet slumber while thinking about how I am finally happy.

To be continued...

A/N:  Hi guys!! I know it's been a while since I updated, but I was able to today. Sorry about not being as active I have school and blah. Sooooo see you guys in the next update. Don't forget to vote and comment. Have a nice day!! (I decided to bless you all with amazing picture of NCT Dream).

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