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Hyemin POV-

I still can't comprehend what just happened. Jung freaking Jaehyun confessed to me. Is this real?! Did he really just say he wants to date me?!! I probably look like an idiot just sitting here not doing anything. Replying to him is probably a good idea right?! I'm actually freaking out oh my god.

Jaehyun POV-

I have no idea what she's thinking. She's just sitting in front of me and looking at me like I have three heads. It also seems like she's having an internal conflict with herself. "Uh...Hyemin? Are you okay?" Saying this seemed to snap her back into reality. "Um yea i'm fine" she responded. "Listen Hyemin, if you don't like me back it's perfectly fine. I'm not going to force you to like me I just wanted you to know and don't feel guilty about it okay?" I ruffled her hair and was about to get up to leave after finishing my coffee. It kinda hurt knowing that she doesn't like me back, but i'll learn to forget her. I just quietly sipped my coffee while letting the pain settle in my heart.

Hyemin POV-

I was still speechless even after he said that I don't need to like him back. I still don't know what to do. But I knew for sure that I like him back. I looked up and noticed he was getting up to leave. I immediately started panicking.

Jaehyun POV-

I finished my coffee and noticed how Hyemin is still dead silent. I immediately started regretting the decision to confess to her. I'm pretty sure I ruined our friendship and we will never be the same again ☹. I got up and was walking towards the exit when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to be met with the beautiful eyes of Hyemin. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything after you.......confessed." she apologized but little does she know that that's the cutest thing I've ever seen. "Hyemin you have no reason to apologize your shock is completely understandable. I also did spring this on you out of nowhere." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I like you too." When these words left her mouth I became speechless. My insides were jumping around like crazy. I was ecstatic. "What you said about you being an idol, I don't care about the hate and all. For you i'll do anything." Hearing her say this really put a smile on my face. I feel as though all my life struggles had disappeared. I immediately hugged her because of how happy I am. "You don't even know how happy I am right now Hyemin." "Can't br....eath." I quickly let go of her realizing that I was hugging her really tight and that we were in public. "Jaehyun if we're gonna date then you have to be really careful." She looked super serious and concerned while telling me how careful we have to be in public together. "You also have to tell your company so this doesn't come as a surprise to them okay?" She explained. "Yes mommmmm." When I said this she rolled her eyes and responded. "Jaehyun i'm being serious." "I'll tell the company and will be careful Hyemin don't worry." I tried reassuring her but she still seemed wary. "Hyemin-ahhh what's wrong? Why do you seem so hesitant about us dating??" I asked her. "It's just that I don't want to affect your career. I want you to still thrive as an idol and I don't want to be a distraction for you. I don't want to be the reason you don't achieve your dream Jaehyun." She looked so cute being all worried about my success. "Hyemin don't worry about all that i'll make sure to tell the company about us dating and if they don't approve of us dating at the moment, we'll date later. Only if you're okay with it. Otherwise don't worry about it because even if we get hate and get denied by the company we have each other. Basically, as long as I have you everything will okay. So stop worrying and let me walk you home. Okay?" "Ah okay let's go." She finally agreed and we started walking towards her apartment.

After I dropped her off I ran towards the NCT dorm to tell the members. When I got there I didn't expect all the 127 members all gathered and sitting on the sofa. "Hey guys guess what!" I was so excited to tell them that I almost didn't notice our manager standing right next to me. "Oh manager-nim what brings you here?" I ask him being very confused as why he's here and everyone looks so sad. "Jaehyun-ah.......sit down and i'll tell you."

To be continued...

A/N: Hey guys i'm back! I actually got to update another part to this story! I hope you enjoyed it!! Why is the manager there to talk to NCT 127?? Anyways NCT 127 are going on a world tour and................................................................................ I MIGHT GET TO SEE THEM!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! Anyways make sure to vote and comment.

I also might be starting on a new book and am thinking about doing it on Taeyong.  What do you guys think?

Follow my ig: neo_crack_technology

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