The First Meeting

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Jaehyun POV-
While we were in dance practice I kept on thinking of what Mark said earlier about the friend they met earlier in the flower shop.
Lee Hyemin......
Lee Hyemin...
That name sounded sooooo familiar
Lee Hyemin..
Lee Hyemin.
I REMEBER!!!! From elementary school my best god damn friend!!! I need to find her or something! Ahhhhhhh I don't know why I'm so excited!!!!!

I ran to Mark and said "CALL YOUR FRIEND HYEMIN RIGHT NOW AND TELL HER TO COME HERE!!" He looked at me extremely weirdly and responded with "ummmmmmmmm I don't know what your up to, but I don't have her number." "GOD DAMN IT MARK!" I exclaimed.  "She still might be at the flower shop, but I highly doubt it." He said. "Ok well I'm gonna go check." I said.  "Please don't scare her she's really nice and I just don't want you to scare her off." He said. "I won't scare her off." I scoffed. "Whatever" he responded and I left.

I ran to the flower shop and entered. The girl who was in there started screaming and I realized that I didn't disguise myself.  I mentally cursed myself.  While I tried to calm her down, two other people came in.  This older lady and this younger girl.  The older lady asked "Mina what's wrong?!" "THAT'S JUNG JAEHYUN FROM NCT!!" She screeched.  The lady greeted and apologized to me while taking her daughter to the back room of the shop.  I told her not to worry and changed my gaze to the other girl.  She was standing there.  Frozen.  "Excuse me?" I said. She slowly turned around and said "how can I help you?" I responded by saying "Do you know where I can find Lee Hyemin?" "Your talking to her." Is all she said.  "Oh..." I said.  "Are you suppose the same Hyemin from elementary school?" I asked. "She almost burst into laughter and said "yes I am hehe.  I didn't recognize you there Jaehyunie." I checked my surroundings and gave her a hug.  She hugged me back and asked how I've been.  I told her all about everything and about becoming a Kpop idol.  She was extremely surprised, but she said that her sister is extremely into Kpop and that's why I looked extremely familiar to her.  I checked the time and my eyes went wide and I realized that I AM ABOUT TO MISS ALL OF THE DANCE PRACTICE AND TAEYONG HYUNG IS GONNA KILL ME!!! "Uhhhhhh Hyemin I kinda have to go my dance practice is gonna end and I can't miss it." I said.  "It's fine Jaehyunie." She said. We stood up and she pushed me towards the door while saying "go, go make money and become a better dancer! Goo!" I laughed and we bid our goodbyes. I ran as fast as my legs would take me trying to get back to the SM building in time.

Hyemin POV-
I still am Jungshook that Jaehyun looked so different and that he is AN ACTUAL SINGER NOW. I am so excited that we met today and that we also exchanged numbers. I guess that his personality is still the same. Good old bubbly Jaehyunie. This day turned around completely.

To be continued...


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