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Hyemin POV-

I was called over by Jaehyun to come to their dorm, so I walked there. I knocked on the door and it was answered by Jungwoo "Hey noona! Come on in." I greeted him and walked into their surprisingly clean dorm. Walking in, I saw all the members sitting in the living room. Some looking worried and others with no particular expression on their face. The air in the room felt heavy and almost anxious.

"Hello everyone" I greeted all of the members. They all greeted me back. "Come sit here" Jaehyun motioned to a spot next to him. I sat down next to him and Taeyong started talking, "Hyeminie, first of all congratulations on your relationship with Jaehyun." "Thank you." I replied. "Took hyung long enough to confess!" Haechan yelled making everyone giggle and Jaehyun glare at him. "Anyways" started Taeil "we have a minor problem." This caught my attention. "What do you mean?" I said. Next was Yuta to talk "Our manger doesn't want Jaehyun to date you." I was in shock. I wasn't surprised since I was expecting something like this, but not this soon. "oh" I replied to him, my voice not as high as it was before. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to break up with you." Jaehyun finally said. "What do you mean Jaehyun. I bet that your manager wanting us to break up has to do with your career, and your career is super important so shouldn't we just break up?" I expressed. "NOONAAAAAAAAAA you don't have to break up for hyung's career to be okay" Haechan spoke up "just pretend like you broke up and hide your relationship from the public eye and our manager."

When he said this I took it under consideration. But then it hit me.

If we get caught hiding our relationship everything will be worse and Jaehyun might even get kicked out of his group. It would also cause me to get backlash, but that of course isn't as important as Jaehyun's career. I knew that this couldn't be done because sooner or later we would get caught. It's always like that. The couple always gets caught in the end.

"No." I said. "What! What do you mean no." Jaehyun expressed. I could tell he was frustrated with my answer because when he was talking he has his teeth gritted. "Jaehyun, this could cost you your career and I don't want that to happen!" I said, my voice getting a little louder. "That's why we are hiding our relationship!" His voice started to raise in volume too. The members just watched as we bickered back and forth. "JAEHYUN!" I yelled. "THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK! IF WE GET CAUGHT YOUR CAREER THAT YOU WORKED FOR WILL BE OVER AND NOT ONLY ME BUT YOU ALSO WILL GET BACKLASH! I DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN! I DON'T WANT TO BE THE REASON YOUR CAREER GOES DOWN IN FLAMES!"

"That won't happen" Jaehyun tried to reason. "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" I knew that it would happen and he just didn't want to believe it. Taeyong, being the leader, than intervened "Jaehyun-ah I think she's right." He continued "None of us really thought about the effect this would have on not only your career, but our group as a whole."

Jaehyun sighed and rubbed his head. "But I don't want to end this. It literally just started." "Jaehyunieeee that makes it easier though because we don't have anything to really hold us back from ending this." I reasoned. "I guess..." he said. He right away gave me a hug. I felt extremely bad, but I knew it was going to eventually happen. I hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I bid goodbye to all the members as Jaehyun walked me out. Before I left he grabbed onto my arm "I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend the time we wanted to together, but at least we had something right" he chuckled. "I'm gonna miss you Jae."

And with that I was stepping away from their dorm and was about to hail a cab, but of course before I could do that Jaehyun once again grabbed my arm. He turned me around and kissed me. It was passionate, yet meaningful. It brought tears to my eyes that I knew I had to push back.

"goodbye Hyemin"

"goodbye Jaehyun"

A/N: Hi guyssss! I know I've been gone for a while and I apologize for that. This story is almost over and I want to know who should be the next NCT member I should write about? If you guys have any ideas then make sure to leave a comment. Anyways I hope you're having a great day! :)

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