The Club

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Maks' POV

The previous night...

I knew Meryl wasn't going to open her door anytime soon. It made my heart hurt to see her so upset and not tell me why. Did I do something? I thought tonight went great. What happened?!

While pondering why she was upset, I could feel the heat of anger take over my body. Once I was in the car, I slammed the door and pounded the steering wheel. Why wouldn't she let me in? I needed to blow off steam.

I drove into town, doing ten over the speed limit. This whole situation made me livid. My favorite dance club was less than five miles away from here and most of the Ballroom With A Twist cast would be there. I needed a drink.


When I walked into the black building, I immediately felt the warm humid air blast from inside. Marching right up to the bar, anger still coursing through my veins, I ordered a shot of vodka rather rudely. The shot was stronger than I expected but it would have to do for now.

After I was finished, I walked onto the dance floor to find hot women everywhere. Karina came out of nowhere and smiled.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked, smiling my most charming smile.

"Of course!" Karina smiled back pulling her body close to mine. I immediately thought that she was a little too close but I pushed the thought away.

When the next song came on, Karina and I began to dance the Argentine Tango. As I listened intently to the music, I realized it was the exact same song that Meryl and I had danced to in the finale. Again I felt the anger course throughout my body, making my movements sharper than they needed to be.

As I looked down at Karina, I could imagine Meryl in her place. For a moment I felt as if Karina really was Meryl. Fury boiled my blood as I hit a step a little too hard.

Karina noticed something was off and whispered in my ear.

"Would you like to go somewhere private?" She smirked as I picked her up and carried her to a private room.

When I opened the door, I set her down and tried to kiss her. She pushed me away.

"What? I thought this is what you wanted." I was shocked.

"Maks, your rhythm is completely off and your steps aren't right. What is wrong?" Her accent was thick with care. We both sat down on the nearby couch.

"Well, I went out to dinner with Meryl tonight and it was great until I dropped her off. She asked me if the Jlo rumors were true and when I told her that she didn't have to worry about me, she got really upset. Then she went inside and locked me out, crying. I stood there for a least 30 minutes just waiting for her to open up. But she didn't. I just wanted to help her, I really care about her." I finished quietly. Karina just nodded for a moment.

"Well, I don't think you should've left. That might've hurt her more. Do you love her?" Karina had a point, my anger had blindfolded me.

"I don't know. I've only been in love once and that was with you."

"Do you feel the same way you did with me, about her?" Karina could be a freaking therapist.

"No, it's more, way more. I just don't know how to tell her..." Karina was silent for a minute.

"It'll come when you're ready. Let's go dance." Karina led me out of the door and onto the dance floor.

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