The Morning After

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He felt her shift in his arms slightly then felt her presence leave him. Maks reached forward, searching for her warm body to pull against his. Once he failed to find her tiny frame, he rubbed his tired eyes and looked around only to find that she wasn't here. Maks quickly uncovered his naked body and reached in his drawer to pull out some sweatpants, then he saw her. Meryl was in the kitchen standing in front of a pan in one of his white dress shirts. Slowly walking out of the bedroom, through the living room, and into the kitchen, he sat by the counter; just watching her. The way she moved so gracefully even though she was just flipping pancakes and cooking bacon, made him fall in love with her even more.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered a barely audible whisper, but she still seemed to hear him.

"Why thank you." She turned away from her pancakes only to find him standing in front of her. His hair was ruffled and sticking up in weird places and she laughed at it. Maks pulled her into an enormous bear hug and she wrapped her arms around his bulky shoulders. For a moment, they just stared at each other. Both of them wondering how they had gotten so lucky to have each other.

"Babe, I think your pancakes are burning." Maks laughed and Meryl turned around quickly, her long brown hair slapping him in the face once again. "You're hair is going to slap me to death." He laughed, gently tugging at a piece of her wavy hair that seemed to have subtle streaks of amber in it.

"No, you just keep getting in the way." She giggled, opening the mahogany cabinet to her left and taking out a glass plate; gently placing the hot pancakes on it with her spatula.

"These. Smell. Amazing. Thank. You." He said in between soft kisses.

Once all of the food was finished, he helped her set the table and they both sat down at the granite bar countertop. While she was eating, she marveled at the guy that she had come to love so much. Never in a million years did she see herself dating a 34 year-old Ukrainian with a temper, but she loved every bit of him. No matter what they went through, she knew that he'd have a very special place in her heart. Meryl began to just stare at his crazy beautiful body. His perfectly sculpted abs, his amazingly toned arms, and those incredible dimples. Why did he have to be so amazing?

"What are you thinking about?" A Ukranian male interrupted her rambling thoughts.

"Nothing." Meryl blushed as Maks eyed her suspiciously, but really, he was having the same thoughts.

'God, she's beautiful.' He thought to himself, biting into another piece of crispy bacon. Her bright emerald green eyes were filled with kindness and her wide smile could light up the most depressing of rooms. She was just amazing. He'd never met a woman that cared so much about others and was extremely smart.

"Now what are you thinking about?" Meryl raised an eyebrow, giggling quietly.

"You, it's always you." Maks smiled, knowing that he was making her blush. "Do you want to go home today or tomorrow?" Meryl's face fell as the thought of them being together would soon end crept into her mind. Maks had jewelry shows to attend and parties to go to. And Meryl had her own priorities back home. For the next couple of weeks, she didn't have time to even breathe. She and Charlie had interviews and appearances to make, along with the new school year at University of Michigan.

"It would probably be better to leave today, we both have things to do." Meryl sighed as she finished her food and stood up to wash the dishes. Maks sensed that she was upset and stood up as well to follow her. She stood in front of the sink, her hands in the hot water; his shirt that she'd borrowed rising up a little, showing her muscular legs. He stood next to her, drying the dishes after she washed them.

Once they had finished, they just stared into each other's eyes. Tears were pricking at the edges of Meryl's eyes and he pulled her into a hug. She began to cry and he became upset just seeing her cry so much lately, and it was all because of him.

"Hey, look at me." He tilted her chin up so that they were facing each other. "You know that no matter what happens, I'll come back to you, right?" She smiled sadly and nodded, burying her face in his chest again. "Let's not think about tomorrow, okay? Right now let's just think about what we have. We still have tonight, don't get too upset yet." Maks continued and he felt Meryl nod against his chest.

"I should go get ready." Meryl wiped her tears and walked back into the bedroom, Maks following.

"The towels are under the sink and so is the blow-dryer." He said and closed the door soon after.

While Meryl showered, Maks decided to call Val. It rang three times before Val answered.

"Where the hell are you!?" Val's usually calm voice was ragged with worry.

"I'm in Los Angeles." Maks smiled and walked out onto the porch, watching the waves hit the shore.

"Why are you in L.A.?" Maks sighed and smiled.

"I brought Meryl on a date, we'll be heading back soon." Val let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"How'd it go?" Val smiled, hoping Meryl had forgiven his brother.

"It was a little rocky at first, but we made up. I just love her so much, so much that it scares me." Maks picked up Meryl's black heels, carrying them inside.

"I know you do...I gotta go though. Come home safely. Bye." Val hung up and Maks turned around to find Meryl, dressed and ready to go.

"Well that was fast." Maks smiled and walked over to Meryl who was frowning.

"I'm going to miss you..." She muttered and started to cry into his shoulder.

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