Chapter 10

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"Baby what's wrong?" My mother spoke after I sat down.

"Well before we talk about anything I just need you to know that I have been enjoying my time here and I don't want you to think differently after this" I said.

"Baby what's wrong??" My mother tone of voice had changed over and I knew she was getting worried.

"Mom...I was raped" I finally said with my head hanging low.

"Come again?" She leaned forwarding not believing what I was saying.

"Mom I was raped, jays bother rapped me and I-I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't wanna tell you! Just please don't look at me different okay?" By this time I was flat out crying just like before.

Talking about it always made me reminisce on that night and everything that happened, I could still feel his touch and the feeling was just to hard to bare.

"Are you serious? Giselle don't play with me right now seriously, you're scaring me" her face scrunched up.

"Mom no! Why would I joke about something like that!" I exclaimed getting upset.

She watched as my eyes water and a tear fall " your serious" she said in a sadden voice. "Awe come here baby" she brung me into her chest and my crying became louder.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry! I should just let you stay home. I'm so sorry! God I feel like the worst mother ever" at this point she was crying along with me.

"Baby how did this happen?" She asked me and I leaned up.

I dried my eyes and cleared my throat. "Well..." I went on to tell her everything that happened from the time that I walked into the dark kitchen from the time that jay took me to the doctor and I might not be able to have kids.

After I was done both of our eyes were still filled with tears, I was now the one comforting her.

"Bey, I really don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I should have never brung you here and we'll definitely be leaving first thing in the morning" she said with a head nod.

"No!" I said quickly "I don't want to leave" I said and she looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Baby what do you mean? It's obviously not safe here. I know you said you've been treated right but I just don't think you should stay here any longer" she explained.

"Mom I'm fine trust me. If I go back home I'll won't be any more safe and responsible than I am here with the carters plus my Court date is in the morning so just let me stay!" I said.

She waited for a moment before speaking "Well I guess you could. But I'm going to court with you guys!" She told me in a stern voice and I nodded my head.

"Now I'm going to go talk to Gloria about the situation and see what she thinks then go back to my hotel room, you sure you don't wanna come with?" She asked me.

I shook my head and came in for a hug "I love you pumpkin, you know that right?" She said as she hugged me "yes momma, I love you too" I said and she nodded.

I watched her get up from the couch and make her way upstairs to Gloria's room. I let out a breath feeling a little more satisfied than before.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch before I felt a pair of lips on me.

"You okay princess?" I opened my eyes to jay. I nodded and kissed him back.

"I need sleep" I said "well come on" he came over to pick me up bridal style and carried me to my room.

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