Special Chapter 03-Attachment

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Third Person's POV

All children go to the main hall of the Todoroki Mansion in silent. Momo sees the children so she approaches them. Touka and Otori start panicking when they see Momo.

"Hey,everybody.Where are my girls?" Momo asks while looking for her twins daughters.

"Er..." Touka looks at Otori and he looks at her back. "We defeated Seiru-neechan!" Takuma and Ikuna say innocently.

Momo is shocked when she sees their appearance. "Seiru-neechan fly to the roof! Wooshh!!" Ikuna and Takuma say happily and walk around Touka while stretching out their arms like a pair of wings.

They both laugh adorably. Momo looks at Touka and Otori. She gives them 'What just happenned?' look.


"I'm home." A man voice speaks up. Everybody turns to look at the owner of the voice
Shoto enters the house with other two grown-ups. Touka's eyes go wide open when she sees her Mommy and Daddy!

"Welcome,Shimura-san and Izuku-san." Momo welcomes her friends. "Mommy!Daddy!" Ikuna and Takuma run towards their parents. Izuku is surprised to see her twins children's appearance change.

Izuku reaches out her arms and lifts up Ikuna while Tenko lifts up Takuma. "So you guys are here?" Izuku tickles her little daughter. Ikuna laughs adorably.

Izuku darts her eyes at Touka who looks agitated and nervous. "Sweetie,are you okay? You're sweating a lot." Izuku asks in worry.

"Erm...err...Seiru...Shana...arena...roof..." Touka stumbles upon her words. She intertwines her fingers in fidgety. Otori sighs. "Seiru and Shana are stucked at the arena's roof. We can't get them down." Otori tells them.

Momo's and Izuku's eyes go wide open. Shoto sighs and walks to the arena.


A few minutes later,


Third Person's POV

Shoto and Momo work together to get their daughters down. Shana and Seiru both look pale as if they have seen ghosts.

"I thought today is my last day..." Shana and Seiru mutter in unison.

"Ikuna,Takuma..." Izuku stares at her twins children. "Actually the one who sends Shana there is Touka." Otori says bluntly,shocking Touka.

"Wha– Otori!!!!" Touka smacks his back with all her might,causing Otori to kiss the ground.

"Touka! What's wrong with you?!" Otori hollers at his childhood friend.

"Touka,why did you do that?" Izuku stared at her eldest daughter. "Well,I just use too much power,hehehe...." Touka laughs awkwardly while scratching her head.

Izuku shakes her head,disagrees with her daughter's action. "I told you your power isn't for hurting other,Touka." Izuku advises her daughter with gentle voice. Touka looks down in guilty.

Tenko suddenly elbows Izuku slightly. Izuku gets the sign and turns her head to face her dear husband.

Tenko gets closer to her ear and whispers something. Izuku nods and mouths 'thank you' at Tenko.

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