Chapter 25 - Separate Journeys

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25 - Separate Journeys

Posted: 10/31/2018

Happy Halloween! RIP Lily and James Potter

Harry felt his silent caterwauling spell trigger, alerting him to that Narcissa Malfoy was up and walking around. He didn't know if she was one to check on her son, so it was time to leave.


His grey eyes opened suddenly and turned toward him, fear apparent.

"I have to go... she's up."

Draco nodded his head solemnly, turning away. Harry's shoulders dropped and Draco looked back at him. He glanced at the door, locking it mentally, and turned in place so he and Harry were facing each other, merely inches apart. Harry wanted so much to close that little distance and stake a claim. But he couldn't. Draco had made his feelings clear... and he had promised.

Draco hadn't, however. He ran his fingers across Harry's bare chest, feeling his scars. Harry shivered, enjoying the feeling. Draco pulled his hand back. "I'm sorry...."

"It's fine. I'm not going to complain," Harry said, with a smile.

"I can't do this to you... you don't deserve this... uncertainty."

"I don't mind."

Draco bit his lip and how it made Harry twitch. He had to move a little further away, subtly.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked.

"Thanks... for staying. It was easier."

"You didn't move... that's good, right?"

"Yeah. I didn't have a nightmare."

"Told you I'd chase them away," Harry whispered, casting a glance at the door.

"And you? Did you sleep okay?"

"I did."

The Slytherin's eyes watered, again. Harry was surprised how much the boy needed to cry, but after 18 years of repressed emotions, it was understandable that he had difficulty controlling them after a major trauma.

"Shh... calm down. Everything will get better one day," Harry said, propping his head up on his elbow.

"No, it won't. I'm cursed to be in pain forever."

"I doubt it and if you are... then I am, too. You think everything would stop once Voldemort was gone. It never stops."

"I'm sorry I...."

"Shit Draco, I didn't mean you. I didn't start drinking because of you. I stopped. After all the funerals... Fred's, and Remus and Tonks... I just wanted to curl up and die because they're gone because of me. I couldn't save them or any of the others. Ron and Hermione were dealing with their families. I didn't have anyone that would talk to me... like a friend... not a hero."

"You think I talk to you like a friend? You did save me," Draco muttered.

"You haven't asked for my autograph, yet," Harry joked. "You don't look at me with pity... or treat me like I'm broken."

"I think you've got that turned around."

"I think it goes both ways."

Draco's grey eyes brightened and they stared back at him. He smiled. "Where do we go from here...?"

"We survive..." Harry said, simply and pulled Draco into his chest, burying his face in Draco's beautiful hair.

"I think you're better at it than I am," Draco breathed.

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