First Day (Part One)

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Dear Diary,

   This morning when I got to school, the first thing I saw was Cody Stormli. Oh my god I swear he has to be hotter than the surface of the sun. We had never really talked, only when he tapped my shoulder and asked what the answer was on the math tests and stuff like that. But I couldn't help but give him the answers, I had a mega crush on this guy. I would do whatever it took to make him fall for me.

The bell rung, I was late to class on the first day because I was too busy daydreaming about Cody again. I walked in the class and my best friend in the entire universe, Vanessa Rochey, was sitting in the back signing for me to sit next to her. So I decided to sit next to her.

The teacher then began to go down the list of our names. I wasn't paying any attention to the names that were being called until the teacher called out "Cody Storml-eye". As soon as I heard his name I looked over at him and saw he was looking at me too.. He just kept looking at me so I kept looking at him. I was looking into his deep ocean blue eyes as he was looking into my light silver eyes as they glimmered in the sunlight peeking through the window. It kind of blinded me but I didn't care, I was looking too deep into his eyes to really notice it.

The teacher then called out
"El-ee-zah W-eye-kehn-soon?" I didn't hear her one single bit, I was too busy daydreaming like always. Venessa had tapped me on the shoulder but I didn't feel it until she finger tazed my hips and I jumped.

I called out "Yeah, what, huh?" and the class just laughed at me. It was so embarrassing.

The teacher stopped all of the laughing and took a minute to yell at them for laughing at me then asked how to pronounce my name.

I laughed and told her it was okay, and that it's pronounced "El-eye-zuh Wick-in-son"

The teacher looked as if she felt embarrased.

At the end of class Cody was walking in my direction I just assumed one of his friends were behind me, but no.. He walked straight up to me.

He said something like "Hey Eliza, I'm Cody."

So I told him that I knew who he was and that he always asked for the answers from me. I also told him he could call me Ellie, I only really liked my friends calling me Ellie but I told him he could call me Ellie anyways.

He then asked me why he hasn't noticed how beautiful I am.

I questioned him and asked him something like "you think I'm beautiful?" and I smiled down at the ground, wrapping my long blonde hair around my ear.

He then said something along the lines of "Oh I'm sorry, you're not beautiful" I looked up at him and immediatly stopped smiling, "You're gorgeous..."

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