The Date (Part Two)

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When our lips finally parted I just had to ask Cody if he really liked me. I had to make sure it wasn't a prank or a stunt or anything like that. He said he really likes me, OMG ITS NOT FAKE!! AHH!! IM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!

He asked me why I asked that, I told him that I just couldn't believe it was real. He told me he couldn't believe it either than told me I'm beautiful again.

I couldn't help but look at the ground and smile and I wrapped a ban of hair behind my ear. He looked at me and asked if anyone has ever told me that. I told him only my family. He didn't believe me, he didn't know how no one has told me that. I knew how... Because I'm not pretty.

He immediately stopped me and told my how beautiful I am.. I don't really believe him but he tells me I should. I can't believe someone could see beauty in me. He made me so happy... I don't know where I'd be without him right now.

I asked him if he knew how happy he'd made me since we met. I can't look at him without a big smile on my face. I just hope this relationship lasts...

He had told me I make him happy too. Before we met he said he had a lot of issues. Now that I'm here, in his life... Those problems have been erased. It made me so much happier that I could help someone with just being myself.

After talking about being happy it got pretty silent so I looked over at Cody, and he was looking at me. We couldn't help but smile at eachother. We slowly moved closer to eachother, he put his hand on the side of my face, and we kissed. All I could see was fireworks, it was so magical. I know we had kissed before... But this time, now I saw him different, it was a better different. I felt a fire starting in my heart, it ignited as soon as our lips touched this second time. It wasn't a bad burn, it was a warm and safe feeling. I felt so safe sitting next to Cody. Nothing can hurt me.

I still can't believe any if this is real.. I'm dating the hottest guy in school, and it isn't just a fling. This is real, he really likes me and I really like him. I've never felt so happy in my life.

Cody looked at his phone to check the time and all I hear is him blurt out "OH SHIT!!" I looked over and asked what's wrong. He told me the time, it's 10:20...crap I'm gonna get a good whippin tonight.

He told me to hurry and pack everything up and that he will bring me home. I was just all like "Okay, thanks" and then I thought about it.. How is he gonna take me home. Next thing I know is I'm jumping 50 feet off the ground because I hear a big roar coming from beind me. I turn around and it's Cody on his bright red dirtbike. He did a donut and turned his bike sideways infront of me and held out a helmet and told me to hop on. I hesitated but slowly walked up and grabbed the helmet and got on. He yelled out "Hold on tight!" I leaned forward a bit and put my arms around his waist and laid my head on the back of his shoulder as he drove away.

We made a quick stop at a gas station and he filled up his tank and asked where I lived so I told him and then we left and sped away to my house.

We arrived at my house.. It was 10:32. I told him thank you and that I had a great time and he told me he did too. I then went to give him a kiss-goodbye but our helmets bonked. I took mine off, as did he. And we kissed. He then got off the bike and walked me up to the door and there my mom was. She said something like "You're late"

I said "I know mom I-"

Cody inturupted "I'm sorry Ms.
Wickenson, it's my fault. I wasn't watching the time so we left a little late, please don't yell at her."

She looked shocked and told him thank you and to have a good night.

I gave him a hug and walked inside and he drove back to his house.

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