The Next Day (Part One)

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Dear Diary,

I was pushed up against a locker making out with Cody, it was so magical. He was the best kisser ever. I held my arms around his neck as he held his hands up against the locker. Our bodies being as close as they could ever be. I bet if he was any closer, I wouldn't be able to breathe anymore than I already couldn't because all of our kissing made it tough.


I woke up as my alarm clock beeped away, me struggling to find the "shut up" button.

I slipped on my pink bunny slippers and got out of bed, went into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and a cup of coffee with vanilla creamer. After I ate, I went upstairs to brush my teeth and get dressed. Today I wore my new purple flannel over a bright white cami, the flannel knotted at the bottom. I went over to my vanity and did my make-up for like 20 minutes. I then decided to grab my big circle glasses with a gold rim and wear them. After yesterdays not wearing them, I felt as if I had a hangover because I couldn't read ANYTHING. I just hope that Cody doesn't make fun of my glasses even though everone says I look fine.

I grabbed my purple plad converse to match my shirt and hoped it looked okay. I heard the bus so I quickly ran outside and it was gone, I just missed the bus on the second day of school.

I yelled up to my older brother, Tom, and asked if he would drive me. Him being the nice brother that he is, he kindly said yes and got me to school before the bell rang.

I went to the same first period class as yesterday. When I walked in, I noticed Cody wasn't there and got sad. So I sat down and asked Vee if she knew where he could be. She said no. I really had hoped he was okay...

I decided to scroll through suggested people on Instagram and I saw Cody's account and hit the "request" button because he had a private account (I hope he accepts it). I then went to the home screen on Instagram and saw a bouquet of Purple Tulips (my favorite flower) and thought of how beautiful I thought they were. Next, I looked up to see a bouquet of Purple Tulips sitting on my desk. Hmm I wonder when they got there and who put them there.

I looked over to see if Cody was in his seat and he was. He turned to look over at me and pointed to the flowers and tried to tell me that there is a note so I looked and looked and I finally found it. It read:

Will you do me the honors of going out with me?
~Cody Stormli"

As soon as I finished reading it, I looked over at him and smiled so big as I waited for him to look over and when he did, my smile got bigger and I nodded "yes"

After class, Cody came to my locker again and asked where and when I would like our date to be. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to go on dates or have a boyfriend but I told him we should each bring a little meal item for a little picnic and that it should be in the forest by the crystal waterfall (which wasn't big and only led into a little pond) He agreed and asked if seven tomorrow was ok. I said "yes" with the biggest smile on my face.

The bell rung and my next class was with Vee so I could tell her the good news.

I got to class and took a seat. I told Vee what had happened and she didn't believe me, she thought I was pranking her (since I do that all the time). But for the first time ever... it wasn't made up, this time it was real. I told her she could even ask Cody and so she decided that she would.

The teacher created a scavenger hunt for us to find where all the items were in her classroom and it was pretty fun. Me and Vee couldn't find anything so we kept asking and they all found everything so easily.

Someone called out that they finished so I looked to see who it was, it was Clair... Of course it was her. When did she even get here? I didn't even hear the teacher call her name when she went down the attendance list.

The teacher asked what her name was again and she told her. She said that Clair would get a piece of candy, her choice. She only got to choose because that was the new record, no one had ever found everything that fast before.

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