Telling the Doctors

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Dear Diary,

I told Cody I would be back as I ran out of the room. I went to the waiting room and asked for Dr. Simohns. She came out and asked how she can help me.

I told her me and Cody kissed and everything came back. She didn't believe me and told me it was impossible. I told her everything is possible...impossible doesn't exist.

We went to his room and she asked some simple questions like his birthday, age, and other ID questions. They were all right and he didn't stop and think for any of them.

She couldn't believe it, she said she is going to prove me wrong somehow. This couldn't have happened just because of a kiss, but there was no other explanation... she told me she is going to being taking tests until she finds the answer. I don't want her to do this because I'm not sure she will ever find a reasonable explanation.

She asked me to leave the room so she could take the tests and I said no...I had promised Cody I would be with him the whole time. She then yelled for me to get out and I still said no. I can't leave him. I even told her that and she continued to yell at me. Cody had told her to stop and just let me stay in. She said she couldn't allow it so he said that she better. She finally let me stay.

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