chapter three

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Thor's POV

He likes me. But not in the brotherly way.

I gave him more of a confused look than what he thought. He thought I looked at him like he was gross. But he wasn't. He was just sharing his feelings.

I heard him crying on the other side of his door. "Loki.. brother." I said softly, pressing my hands and ear on the door. "GO AWAY!" He screamed, causing me jump back. "GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!!" He screamed more, something in his room breaking against the door.

"What is wrong, son?" My mother, Frigga, asked whilst walking up to me. "Loki." I softly whispered, seeming more to the door than to her. "What is wrong with your brother?" She asked. 

I looked up at her. "He loves me." I say, looking down. "That is good thing, is it not? He is your brother after all." She said. I could tell out of the corner of my eye she gave me a confused look. But I shook my head no. "Like how you and father love each other."

She gave me a saddened look and gently pushed me aside from the door and knocked. "I TOLD YOU GO AWAY ALREADY, THOR! I KNOW YOU'RE STILL STANDING THERE WITH MOTHER! I SENSE YOU!!" Loki cried. Frigga looked up at me. "Go, love. I'll get him to calm him down." She set a hand on my arm. "Yes, mother." I sighed and walked away.

Loki's POV

I sat in a corner, crying. I don't know why I was crying over that oaf. I shouldn't have started to get feelings for him in the first place. 

"Loki, baby. Let me in." Frigga, my adopted mother, said softly on the other side of my locked door. "Your brother is gone. I promise." She said softly. 

I stood up, wiping my tears and opened the door. "Hi, sweetheart." She whispered, touching my reddened cheek with her soft, warm fingers. "Thor told me." She said, opening her arms up. "M-mother." I sobbed, falling into her arms. 

"Oh, sweetheart." She cried, holding me close. "Mother.. Why must I feel this way? Why for Thor?" I cried. "I don't know. But it's how you feel." She said, playing with my hair. "How I feel? It's against so many Asgardian rules! That father of mine, that Odin, would definitely throw me in the dungeons when he finds out!" I almost yelled, pulling away from my mother. 

There was a slight knock on the door. I glared up and there was Thor. "What do you want, you big oaf?" I hissed. 

He pulled two sets of ice skates out from under that red cape of his. "I think it is snowing in Midgard. Must be cold enough to freeze a lake." He mumbled. "I can go dress in something warmer. We could both go."

I looked at our mother. "I think you should go. Talk it out with him." She told me, pushing me lightly towards Thor. I looked up at his big blue eyes. He looked desperate. 

I took my pair of ice skates from him. "Fine, you big oaf. Go dress in something warmer. Don't want you to get sick." I mumbled, looking down at my skates. 

I quickly looked back up and he hadn't moved. He had a big smile on his face. "You oaf. Go." I chuckled, pushing him out. "Meet me at the gate in fifteen minutes. Or I'm leaving your big oaf butt here." I giggled, exiting my room with mother. 

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