chapter eight

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Stark's POV (why not give him a pov?)

I eyed the two god siblings that sat on one couch as Steve and I sat another, across from them as they explained everything. I was completely lost and honestly didn't care, so my brain tuned them out until my bicep lightly grazed over Steve's. 

I glanced his way, noticing he was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I knew that look well enough. It was his concerned look whenever I spaced out. Sometimes I space out and good things don't come out of it. 

"And that is the end of it." Baby Reindeer said. I inhaled a sigh through my nose and stood up. "That would've been a good story, Baby Reindeer, if I honestly really cared enough to listen. I only caught things like Odin decided to kick you out for being gay for your brother and the fact that you're pregnant. You guys can stay for awhile. The twentieth floor is all yours. Don't break anything up there, 'kay? Should be enough food up there for awhile. And beer, even though neither of you can get drunk. But I don't think you should drink it, Baby Reindeer, because you're growing another.. demigod? Human, baby thing inside you." I said, grabbing my beer from the nightstand next to the couch I was currently on and started to walk to the elevator. 

"Oh, by the way." I started and turned around in time to see Steve getting up and walking over to me. I glared at both the gods. "Stay off the thirteenth floor. It's prohibited unless I say so. Understood?" I ask. They both looked between each other and back at me. "Why, man of iron?" Thor asked. Baby Reindeer just giggled. "That's probably Stark's special floor for him and his girlfriend." 

Thor looked over at him. "Special?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "It's my living area. Okay? And it's messy." I lied. "Just don't go on that floor and we won't have issues. I'll see you two later. Go take your bags up there." I said and both Steve and I left in the elevator. 

I pressed the button for the thirteenth floor. "Why shouldn't we tell them?" Steve asked, his hand finding it's way on my cheek. "We've been dating for five years now and no one knows." He whispered. I looked up into his blue eyes as the elevator stopped and the doors slowly slid open. "One day, my love." I pecked his lips and pulled him through the doors. 

"Come." I said, throwing the empty beer bottle into the trash can. "Where?" He asked with a smirk. "You know." I teased. "I'm going to make more than just that old bed squeak and groan." 

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You calling me old?" He teased, backing me through the hallway into our bedroom. "Well you are about a hundred years old. Technically." I said, slightly sarcastic. He kicked the door closed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said and kissed me. 

Loki's POV

Thor pressed the button for the elevator and we waited for it to come back down. 

"We get a whole floor to ourselves. Neat, yeah?" He asked as the elevator binged and we stepped in. I shrugged and looked at the floor buttons. I saw the number thirteen and grinned. But Thor pressed twenty before I could press thirteen. "I know what you are thinking brother. Don't even try." He said.

I tried reaching for the button when the elevator started to move, when I thought Thor wasn't looking but he swatted my hand away. "No, Loki." He said. I pouted and crossed my arms. I looked up at the digital screen that displayed the floor numbers. It passed the thirteenth floor and continued to go up until we got to the twentieth floor. 

The doors opened to a floor that looked similar to the main floor. Other than there was only one couch in the living room instead of two and the living room was on the left side of the floor and the kitchen was on the right instead of the opposite. 

I stepped through after Thor, having my suitcase in my right hand and my left around my stomach. I was wearing one of Thor's sweatshirts and a pair of my sweatpants because it was the only thing that could fit me without the illusion. 

Thor walked up to me and touched my stomach. "What are you expecting?" He asked me. I knew he meant the sex of the baby. "I'm hoping for a baby girl. I already know what I'm going to name the baby if it's a girl." I smiled up at him. He raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked. "Juniper Harper." 

"Juniper? You mean Jupiter?" He asked. I shook my head no. "It's a type of tree." I said, setting my suitcase down. "It's a beautiful name in general. Even if it wasn't a plant." 

"What are you going to name the baby if it is a boy?" He asked me, moving towards the kitchen and to the fridge. I thought for a second. "Silas Michael." I said. "Such Midgardian names. Why not Asgardian or Jotun?" He asked me, twisting off the cap of a beer. "I want them to have Midgardian names." I whispered, more to myself than to him. "Just in case we're stuck here forever." 

He gave me a sad look, after taking a sip of his beer. "Don't. I don't want that look from you." I said, slightly bending down to grab the handle of my suitcase. Then a sharp pain went through my stomach and back. 

I hissed in pain, setting one hand on my stomach and one on the back of my hips. "Loki!" Thor gasped, setting his beer down and taking me in his arms before my knees buckled from pain. 

He set me in a chair. "It hurts. It hurts like hell." I groaned. He stuttered. "Uh.. Uh, Jarvis!" He said, frantically looking around. "Yes, Mr. Thor?" A disembodied voice asked. "Get the man of iron! We need help." He said. "Deep breaths." He whispered to me. "Do you need me to call an ambulance?" Jarvis asked. "I don't know! Just do something." 

There were beeps. "I just informed Mr. Stark that something is wrong with your brother and informed the hospital. An ambulance is on its way." Jarvis said. "I don't need a damn ambulance." Growling in pain. "Yes you do!" Thor said. "You're hurting. What if it's the baby?" 

I heard the elevator doors open. "What on earth is so wrong that you had to call me?" Stark's voice agitatedly said. I looked over at him and he wasn't in usual dress up clothes. He was in sweats like me. "What's wrong with you, Baby Reindeer?"

"Nothing. I think the baby is moving." I said. The pain got worse and gritted my teeth and closed my eyes shut. "That looks like a whole lot of nothing to me. Jarvis, did you contact the closest hospital?" He asked. "Yes, Mr. Stark. An ambulance is on the way." 

Just then sirens sounded. "They're coming, Loki." Thor's soft voice said just as I passed out from pain."

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