chapter thirteen

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Thor's POV

We got back to Asgard and were greeted by guards and our mother, Frigga. "Hello, my sons. I see word got to you about your father." She sighed, walking to us.

She caught a glimpse of Silas and Juniper. "Children? Why did you bring Midgardian babies home? Not that I dont mind babies." She slightly smiled as she grabbed Juniper from Hemdall.

"Such a beauty. She will be a heartbreaker one day, I can tell." She smiled at Juniper and gave her back to Hemdall. Then she grabbed Silas from Loki. "Handsome little boy, aren't we? Big blue eyes and tan sk-" She paused when Silas' skin turned blue.

"He's a Jotun baby. So he's yours, Loki?" She asked, looking at him. "Yes. Both of them, actually. Twins." He gently smiled. Our mother looked back at Silas. "Oh how he reminds me of you as a baby, my son. Such a handsome and adorable child. So calm and peaceful."

Loki lightly smiled again. "As much as I would love to admire my newborns, I think Thor and I would like to see father." He took Juniper from Hemdall. "So he can at least see us and his grandchildren before he.. he passes."

Our mother nodded. "Right." She sighed, still looking at Silas. "Thor, give the bags to a guard. No need to bring them to your father's quarters." She told me. I handed them to a guard then she handed me Silas.

I gave Silas a little kiss on the cheek and he giggled, lightly tapping his small hands on my cheeks. He pulled my face to his and he started eating my nose. "Maybe he is hungry." Loki said, stoping the guard with the bags and grabbing a bottle. "Here, brother. Feed him while we go see father."

I lightly pulled my face away from Silas and lightly shoved the tip of the bottle into his mouth. He sucked on the bottle tip happily and hungrily when we started following our mother to where father was. "You are going to be a fat baby." I told Silas who just stared at me.

"Don't call him fat!" Loki squealed. "Who cares if he's gonna be on the chubby side one day. He'll be healthy."

I giggled. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes and pulled the bottle away from Silas' mouth when he was done. "Give that to me and see if he needs to burp." Loki said, grabbing the bottle away from me. I turned Silas towards my shoulder and lightly tapped his back. I heard him burp but my shoulder got wet.

"And he spit up on me." I sighed, pulling Silas away from my shoulder. "Babies do that." Mother said when we came up to a door. "Your father might be sleeping. So shh." Mother whispered before opening the door.

Father was on a bed but he was sitting up and not sleeping like mother thought.

"Hello, father." I said, walking over to him with Silas. "Thor. Oh, my son." He rasped. "Who is the child?" He asked. I knelt next to the bed to let him see Silas. "This is Loki's boy. He gave birth after we got to Midgard."

I was still furious with father. With how he hated Loki's and I's feelings. How he knew about Loki getting raped and not doing a damn thing. But two little bundles of joy came out of it.

Silas' skin changed blue. "He does have Jotun blood." Father sighed. His eyes shifted over to the door. I realized Loki did not walk in with me. "I see I have two grandchildren?" He asked. I nodded even though he wasn't looking at me. "The other doesn't show outward signs of being Jotun like Silas here and Loki. Probably the Asgardian blood is more prominent in her than Silas." I said more harshly, showing my father I'm still mad.

Father looked at me then Loki. "Loki.. Loki, come here son. I need to apologize to you." He said softly. Loki hesitated but our mother set a hand on his back and gently guided him to the bed with Juniper.

Loki knelt next to me near the bed. Father reached out to him to touch his shoulder. "I was an awful father to you all these years.. Keeping your true self away from you, taking you for the wrong reasons. Punishing you so harshly and not helping you the way I should. I blamed you for your actions when you were in so much pain. I am so sorry, my son. I'm sorry I got angry at you for having feelings for your brother. It takes me dying to realize I am not worthy of being your father."

Loki's face was being covered with tears. Father wiped away the tears he could. "If you and Thor do decide to be together, I would be more than honored to have both of you rule Asgard once I die soon."

Loki choked back a sob, hiding his face into his baby girl's neck. Juniper felt her father's sadness and started crying too. "Loki." I said, setting a hand on his back that wasn't holding Silas.

I lightly pulled both him and Juniper into me and tried to calm both down. But it was hard while having Silas in my arm. Father grabbed Silas away from me so I could embrace my crying brother and niece into both of my arms. "I'm here." I whispered.

I gently took Juniper out of his arms. "No need to cry little one." I told her and she calmed a little. "Daddy will be fine." Loki said, trying to stop his tears.

Loki calmed down a little and looked back up at father. "Thank you father." He whispered. "Thank you."

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