chapter seventeen

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Three years later

Loki's POV

"Silas Michael. Stop that." I said, catching the flying spoon that was moving around in the air. I was learning how to levitate things one day and he wanted to learn with me so I thought it would be a cute little spell he could learn for his first one. But it got annoying after he mastered it. 

He looked up at me from his chair. "Sorry, daddy." He said. I set the spoon down next to his bowl. "Here. Finish your breakfast and papa will come and get you for lessons." I told him. He clapped his hands and grabbed his spoon to finish his breakfast. "I miss papa. He's been gone for so long." Silas over exaggerated. I chuckled as I went back to the sink to finish the dishes currently in the sink. 

"Him and Juni have been to Midgard for one day. They left yesterday morning and came back late last night when you were sleeping." I told him, turning the sink off. 

Footsteps echoed through the dining room and then into the kitchen, where both Silas and I were currently. We didn't sit in the dining room in the castle due to it only being us two this morning. 

"Papa!" Silas squealed, jumped down from his seat and running up to Thor. "Little Silas!" He smiled and picked up the young boy. "I missed you papa. You and Juni were gone for soo loongggg!" He whined. Thor chuckled. "I am sorry, son. Maybe you and I will go to Midgard after lessons today since it was just Juni and I yesterday." 

"Daddy!" Juniper squealed and ran up to me. "Daddy." She giggled as I picked her up. "Hi baby girl." I said, holding her close to me. "I missed you, Juni." I said giving her small kisses on the face. She giggled at me. "I missed you too, daddy." She giggled. 

I set her down. "What do you want for breakfast, baby girl?" I asked. "Just cereal, daddy, please." She said as she got up into a seat. Silas was sitting back in his chair, finishing his cereal. His skin and eyes was that of a Jotun. He didn't like having to hide it and I didn't have the heart to force him to do something he doesn't like. So I said if he didn't want to have the illusion to look like an Asgaridan like his sister, than that is his thing. 

Thor's arms wrapped around me as I was trying to pour our daughter some cereal. "Hello." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I smiled. "Hi, Thor." I said, grabbing the bowl and a spoon before kissing him and walking to the table and setting the cereal and spoon in front of Juniper. "There you go, baby girl." I said, kissing her cheek. She giggled. "Thank you, daddy." She said, kissing my cheek back. I smiled at her and played with her black hair a little bit. Silas had brown hair. 

"Papa!" Silas said, jumping down from his chair and ran up to Thor. "Yes, son?" Thor asked. Silas lifted his arms up. "I do not know what you want." Thor teased. Silas whined. "You're three years old now, Silas. Use the words you know." I told him. "Papa. Pick me up please?" Silas asked Thor. Thor and I chuckled. "Yes, my son." He said, grabbing Silas and lightly throwing him up in the air. "Thor, be careful with my baby." I said but Silas squealed as Thor caught him. "Oh, he'll be fine." Thor said, putting Silas on his one hip. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Thor. And one day, he's going to slip through your hands and he'll hit his head on the ground." 

Thor rolled his eyes before giving me a kiss on the lips. "Ew!" Silas giggled. I rolled my eyes and looked at my son. "I know, right?" I said, making a cringed face. "Papa gives icky kisses." I laughed and tickled Silas. He laughed along with me. "No, daddy! You both give icky kisses!" He giggled. I stopped tickling and gasped. "How dare you!" I laughed, kissing his neck. He laughed more. "Papa! Help me!!" He squealed in laughter. "Don't know what to tell you." Thor teased. 

Juniper came up to us. "I'll take your kisses, daddy!" She said, pulling on my pant leg. I looked down at her and grabbed her, giving her kisses. She giggled at me. "Yay!" She said. I chuckled at her. "I love you, little Juni." I said, touching her cheek. "I love you too, daddy." 

"I love daddy more!" Silas said. "Don't lie. You love your papa more." I teased him, lightly tickling his stomach. He giggled. "Yes I do. I just wanted to make you feel loved." He said. I gasped. "You are a mean, little Jotun, aren't you?" I lightly tapped my son's arm. "I mean, look who gave birth to him." Thor teased. I rolled my eyes. "You are supposed to say no. That you love me just as much as papa." I teased. 

"Am I a mean, little Jotun?" Juniper asked. I shook my head no. "You're good little Asgardian. Like papa." I said. "Why am I like papa and Silas is like you?" She asked. "Even though papa isn't our real papa." 

I had told them early on that Thor wasn't their biological father. I didn't give them a reason, though. But even though he wasn't, I made sure they understood that even though he wasn't their biological father, he was still their father either way and that he loved them dearly. 

"Papa is your father. He adopted you, remember? Like how grandma adopted me and so I call her mother, even though she isn't biologically?" I asked. She nodded. "Well you're like him because your Asgardian blood is more prominent than your Jotun blood. So you don't have the blue skin and red eyes like Silas or I. Silas' Jotun blood is more prominent than his Asgardian blood so that's why naturally he looks like me when I'm not holding my illusion." 

"Why are you holding an illusion, daddy?" She asked me. I sighed. "Because I wanted our people to believe I was Asgardian. Even though now they know I'm a Jotun. I'm just used to it. I like looking like you and daddy." I said. "So why doesn't Silas do an illusion like you?" She asked. "His illusions are a work in progress, for one. And two, even if his illusions were mastered like mine, which will take many a year to do, he doesn't want to right now. So, I don't try and force him to make an illusion to look like an Asgardian." 

I set Juniper down. "Okay. Go to the learning room and learn some stuff. Papa will be there in a minute." I said. "Okay, daddy." Both kids said, once Thor set Silas down. They both ran away. I look up at Thor. He took me in his arms. "When are we going to tell them?" He asked. I set a hand on my stomach. "Eventually. I'm in the early stages, so we can't be a hundred percent sure if I'm pregnant again." I whispered. 

He chuckled. "Eventually, if you are, we are going to have to tell them that they have a younger sibling." He told me before giving me small pecks on the lips. "One day." 

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you too, Thor." I whispered back. "I have something for you." He told me. I hummed. "What?" I asked. He had grabbed something from his pocket. It was a box. "I know we don't need to make it anything official. You already rule with me over Asgard and the twins consider me their father because they're adopted by me but.." He said nervously as he opened the little box. There was a ring. I chuckled. "Is that the reason you and Juni went to Midgard?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes. I'll be glad to." I kissed him as he put the ring on my finger. He smiled against my lips.

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