chapter eleven

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Thor's POV

"So I'm pretty much watching them because yall wanna fuck?" Man of iron asked as he was holding both of the twins. "He just somehow was able to get these two out of him two days ago."

I chuckled. "No. I'm taking Loki to lunch. Get him out of the tower." The elevator binged and Loki came out of it. He was wearing black. Everything on him was black. He had a black suit, black shirt, and black tie. He had worn the same outfit a long time ago and I had said he looked like a witch. But he looked rather handsome. I, on the other hand wore a long sleeve shirt, jeans, and a heavy coat.

"Looking good Baby Reindeer." Man of iron said. Loki smirked at him when he reached us. "I know I do." He said and turned to me. "May we go?" He asked. I nodded then he turned to man of iron. "Take care of my babies. I will not hesitate to kill you if something bad happens to them."

Man of iron rolled his eyes. "You've tried before." He sighed. Loki glared at him and grabbed my hand. "Ready to go?" He asked, I nodded as we headed towards the elevator.

Tony's POV
30 minutes later

"Jarvis!" I said as both babies started crying at the same time. "Yes, Mr. Stark?" His voice called. "How do you take care of a human baby? Or Asgardian.. frost giant.. baby?"

"I am not sure I understand, sir." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Of course. Just get Steve up here."

Within minutes, Steve enters through the elevator and grabs the girl from me. "Remind me to never to want kids." I said, trying to calm the boy. He chuckled as he set the girl down and grabbed a diaper and wipes from the diaper bag. "They aren't bad, Tony."

After he changed the girl's diaper, she calmed down. "Here. Take Juniper and I'll take Silas. He's probably hungry and needs a diaper change." He said, handing me the girl and taking the boy. "How'd you become so good with children?" I asked. He shrugged. "Well I am almost a hundred." And we both laughed.

Thor's POV

We had gotten a cab when we left, and we were still in it, on our way to the restaurant because of traffic.

Loki hadn't spoke one word to me since we left and he looked pained. "Are you okay?" I whispered, touching his cheek. But he moved away from me.

I sighed and looked him over until I saw a little bruise on his neck. I do not remember giving him a hickey. "Stop the illusions." I whispered. I noticed he did but he did not look at me. "Look at me. Let me see what else they have done to you." I said, referring to the guards.

He looked at me and his face was a wreck. He had cuts and bruises all over his face. "Happy?" He hissed and the illusion was back and he looked out the window.

I grabbed his hand. "They can no longer hurt you, here. And if we ever go back, I promise they will pay. I will make them." I said. He chuckled. It was forced and pained. "What are you going to do, Thor? Throw your hammer at them? Ya very smart plan." He said sarcastically and looked at me. Tears streamed his eyes. "Nothing, and I mean nothing, will make it better. Not you, not father, not this. Nothing. I will forever be reminded of what they did to me. The memories will forever haunt me. Every time I look at my children, I'll remember that one of the guards was lucky. Lucky enough to leave something much more permanent than memories. Living things. The love I have for them will remind me."

I touched his cheek. "I know what you are thinking.. I would never consider giving them up. They are mine. I do not care if I give them to Midgardians or to some Asgardian. What will they say when they see Silas' true from? He shows signs of his Jotun blood. Juni might be fine but he will never."

The cab stopped. "We're here." The cab driver said. I reached for my wallet but Loki almost threw money through the little window. "Keep the change." He mumbled, getting out of the cab. 

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