chapter four

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Loki's POV

Thor was bundled in a bunch of Midgardian clothes he had in his closet. But good thing he was because I knew it was fairly cold out. I had a Midgardian cell phone on me and the temperature was 12 degrees in New York. Thor was a god but that doesn't mean he could face the cold like I could.I was wearing an ice skater unitard since the cold didn't bother me, due to being a frost giant. 

I looked up and saw that Jane Foster maiden coming towards us while Thor and I were lacing up our skates. I lowly growled but I guess she didn't hear me because her eyes instantly fell on Thor. 

"Thor!" She squealed, hugging him tight. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "Hello Jane." He smiled. She pulled back and was about to give him a kiss but her stopped her. "I.. I'm a little sick. I do not want you to catch it." He told her, lightly shoving her away. She gave him a confused look but she looked away. Then she saw me. 

"You?!" She gasped as I stood up on my skates. I looked up at her and she slapped me. I blinked once. "Thor. Why didn't you tell me your brother was going to come to Earth?" She said, looking up at him. "I thought it did not matter. I want to spend time with him." Thor said lightheartedly. 

She let a frustrated groan out. "Well, I don't him here. I thought it was just going to be you and me, Thor." She whined. Thor looked up at me then looked back at Jane. "Then I am truly sorry, Jane Foster. It is either all three of us for a while or just Loki and I." 

She blinked at him. "You're choosing your brother.. Who tried to attack us on several different occasions.. who should be locked away somewhere.. over me?" She asked. Thor nodded. She growled. "Then it's over between us, Thor Odinson! Don't contact me again." And then she was gone. 

I looked up at Thor, who didn't seem to down about it. He looked back at me and shrugged. "As Midgardians put it.. Oh well." He said and motioned me to go towards the frozen lake. "After you, baby brother."

I looked at the ice and started walking to it.

Thor's POV

I watched him step onto the ice and start skating around like he was just walking. He moved so gracefully on the ice. He was magnificent. 

I slowly stood on the ice and moved awkwardly. But I was trying and what Midgardians say, epically failing. 

I heard Loki chuckling at me, and felt his hands grab mine. "You oaf." He said, helping me steady. "It has been a year, brother, since I skated." I mumbled. 

He started to skate backwards slowly while I awkwardly skated forward. "See? You've got it." He said, slightly letting go of my hands. But I slipped and started to fall forward. His arms wrapped around me as I fell on top of him. 

"Thor!" He almost growled but then started laughing. I started laughing too. My weight was on my knees and elbows. I opened my eyes, from squinting them from laughing so hard and I gasped at the sight in front of me. 

Loki slowly came down from his laughing fit and looked at me. "What?" He asked. His once pale skin was blue and his sea blue eyes were red. His true form. I thought to myself. 

I grabbed his hand and showed him. He looked at it and gasped before his skin quickly changed back to the pale color and his eyes went back to blue before he scooted out from under me. Good thing no one else was there to see his true form. 

It had been so long I have seen him that way. But he was beautiful when he was. Granted, he was beautiful the way he usually portrayed himself. 

Once I had saw him with blue skin and red eyes. Many, many years ago. When both him and I found out he was a frost giant. He was so upset father had kept that secret from him about himself. He yelled at him about that was how he thought father didn't love him and how he thought that was why father favored me more than him.

"Loki." I whispered, reaching out for him but he looked away. "We should go back home." He whispered. I shook my head no even though he wasn't looking at me. "No.. No. Loki. You're so beautiful.. When you're yourself."

His head snapped up to look at me. "W-what?" He asked. He then shook his head. "Don't say such things." 

I shook my head. "Why not, brother? It is only truth." I said, reaching out again and grabbing him by the waist and pulling him to me. His breath hitched. "Th-thor. Stop." He whimpered, putting his hands on my chest. 

"Show me, again. Please." I whispered. Loki blinked then the skin on his body slowly changed. His eyes going to that glowing red. "Loki." I whispered. "Please let me go." He whimpered again. I shook my head no and did something I thought I would never do. 

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