BTS chat (hobi and suga)

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Suga: hooooooooooobi!!

* "hobi" came online*

Hobi: yes hyung?

Suga: Jin hyung assigned be a few chores...

Hobi: and?

Suga: I'm too lazy...

Suga: can you do them for me? Please??

Hobi: What why? Go ask Jimin or someone else, why me?

Suga: I did ask them... but they rejected me. You're my last hope, jHOPE.

Hobi: sorry, hyung, but I think my answer is going to be the same as everyone else.

Suga: but what if... I gave you something you really really wanted?

Hobi: Are you KIDDING??!! Jin's gonna flip out if he finds out I'm doing your chores and bribing!

Suga: I'll get you some new dancing gear!!

Hobi: no, thanks. I can get it myself.

Suga: how about protecting you from snakeu?

Hobi: ...

Suga: How about a rocking horse?

Hobi: ugh, now you're talking!! What chores do you have?

Suga: sweeping the floor, cleaning the toilets and wiping the windows

Hobi: hmmm ok then

Suga: you better hurry and do them or else Jin's chores time limit is going to run out, and he will "kill" me

Hobi: Dont worry about it hyung!

Hobi: what time does the time limit end?

Suga: 11.30am


Suga: yeah, you better get your ass moving befo—

Hobi: what was that?

Hobi: Suga hyung?

Hobi: sugaaaaaa

Hobi: If you do t reply I'm not going to do the chores!


Suga: Hi

Hobi: you finally replied! Whew

Suga: Come and meet me in the living room. Now.

Suga: your brother is going to do his chores now, if you don't want something worse than what he's going through, meet me in the living room right now. Or you're dead, Jung Hoseok.

Hobi: *glup* yes mom

* "hobi" went offline*

Why are endings in BTS texts always so dark? I'm so sorry... but I hope you enjoyed!!

Ok bye🤪🤪🤪

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