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EXPEDITE ▇▇▇▇ VOLUME ONE━━ ❛ 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒕 ❜

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chapter no. 002!


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     THE NIGHT HAD COME AROUND AGAIN TOO SLOWLY. Piper rested her forehead against the cool, brick wall and sighed quietly. The twelve-hour shift she was working only had two hours to spare, and those felt like they were a million years away. Streetwise Bay was always packed on Friday. Her manager would never admit it, but Fridays made more money than any other day of the week.

     "Pipes, can you take table six's order? Some kid spilled his drink all over the floor, and Robert's making me clean it." Erin Osborn huffed.

     Piper raised a brow. "Sure, why not? I love taking orders." Her roommate rolled her eyes and shot her a grateful smile before walking away.

     Tired and worn out, the redhead begrudgingly weaved her way through the tables, making her way to table six. Pulling out her notepad, she stopped walking and looked up to be met with the stares of Jay Garrick and Linda Park, both of whom she knew.

     Jay Garrick was a speedster that had traveled through the singularity, or as the public knew it to be, the "black hole" that almost destroyed Central City. He came from Earth-Two, and because of finding out about this information, Piper created an algorithm that helped her conclude that she was from Earth-Four. Jay was known as the Flash, just as Barry Allen is on Earth-One.

     However, Linda Park, Piper knew because she had briefly dated Barry for a short time. Piper didn't know all the details, mainly because she already knew enough about the boy and wasn't too keen on paying close attention to his love life. That was mainly because she had grown quite fond of the fellow speedster, even though he had no idea who she was, let alone knew of her existence. And by fond, she meant a really small crush that was ridiculous even to have because they'd never met.

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